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About Roadkill469

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Roadkill469

    Yes, im stuck on "Loading" screen

    Well I'm fairly certain the OP can now get rid of this thread thanks to your helpful, well thought out and mature post which will certainly help him fix his problem.
  2. Roadkill469

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Agreed. seems kinda odd that DayZ standalone is now announced (with all unknown dates, timeline and what not) as soon as a game comes along that will decimate this Mod. Seems someone is scared.
  3. Roadkill469

    Pending Update: Build

    Are you serious? This entire game is about trolling...
  4. I like how nobody really responds to this...
  5. Possibly the worst bug in the game. besides zombies through walls
  6. Roadkill469

    Pending Update: Build

    It seems that with each new patch, the focus seems to be on player tracking instead of fixing the insanely large amount of bugs within this game. Razor wire graphical glitch? Server stability? No grouping process? Hackers? Whats more important? dealing with someone who jumps servers or a stable game? Rocket is pushing more and more people towards War Z and The Dead Linger.....