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About Dovi

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. A insult comes in many ways if you do not see that he insulted me you are also ignorant. My thread was more than valid and not a whine. The tips you give are of gameplay, I know how to play the game. My questions were about actual glitches and things that shouldn't happen. I'll give you my benefit of the doubt to not think you're a stuck up nosey and arrogant p.o.s (won't proclaim you as asshole #2 until further notice) Life would go a lot better when people just replied positively now wouldn't it. Thank you.
  2. You are being ignorant. How is a zombie going through a wall, hitting me once while I'm standing up to run away and knocking me out so I die a whine thread? Its called a glitch and a terrible mechanic of the game. Your post sir is a post I'll label as "dumbass #1". Thank ya.
  3. I have no idea how to truly enforce this, but all I can say I've yet to meet 1 friendly player after about a week of play. I get shot at everytime I see a player.
  4. I cannot rewrite it, was the standalone version announced or hinted at, at what time it would be coming out that is.
  5. I agree about hackers, I've been in 3 hacked servers and died twice due to it but honestly to me the zombies are still the problem. I had a great start with a m16 and a revolver, a nice backpack and some very good utilities. I was being super careful, crawling to a barn prone and a zombie walks through the wall. This would be okay if he didn't hit me and I got knocked unconscious, my whole great start is erased and I'm dead. Randomly.
  6. Hello, I've been playing DayZ for close to a week now and was wondering if anyone could tell me when the following things were going to get fixed? The biggest fault are the zombies, their bad animations and their unrealistic/crazy running, its impossible to shoot them until they stop moving and are on you, and you risk being hit. Being hit wouldn't be a problem if problem #2 was removed, random blows that render you unconscious, I've died about 4 times via this method now, 2 of which I was at 9000 blood when it happened. Why even bother having a blood system or a health system when 1 random blow makes me die when I am moderately healthy? Problem #3, broken bones. Keep broken bones, just remove the outrageous ways you can get them. A zombie punches me and my leg breaks? Have had 2 absolutely stupid experiences with broken bones. My friend broke his bone after diving prone and starting to crawl. Its completely unrealistic and signals pretty much death as morphine is hard to find outside of the main big towns. Overall everything comes back to zombies, is there a timeline for when the zombies might be fixed? Their animations, their random knockouts and their random bone breaking? I think the game would be perfect if these things were just adjusted.