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About Karlash

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    Africa, where the fun really is!

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  • Bio
    I'll kill to survive :) but I'm no Bandit
  1. dont bring back guns on spawn, first off I never had that when I started playing, secondly its so much more fun starting with nothing. Im by no means a pro but in 30min of game play and couple close call I have a coyote backpack, ak-74 and a m9 sd, I did start in a great location though, but I still ran a good 2-3km's
  2. Any South Africans on the forums?? Looking for a Clan/group or a player team up with
  3. Karlash

    What happens when you need a toilet break?

    LEGEN..... wait for it..... DARY!!!
  4. Karlash


    not really complaining, just wondering... seem kind of silly tbh...I also get that they might be willing to change things to make the game more interesting. but what ever way I still have my AK-76 Kobra with SD mags,a bout a 1km/1000m away from the Airfield, so hoping to find a M14 :D oh and hoping not to get killed which probably will happen . Whats the best way to swap out weapons from your back pack with out having your back pack eat it?
  5. Karlash

    Zombies harder

    Nope been playing a Veteran server pretty much from the start, I get that the Zombies are harder... well I imagine they are, but yeah they just seem harder, also today I spawned I didnt even move and I had aggro'ed 3 zombies.. I just gave up lol
  6. Karlash


    I know lol. um yeah I get that its crap unless playing night servers, but isnt it toggle-able in Arma 2? If so why not do the same in DayZ
  7. Karlash


    I was pretty happy today I was exploring the map after I looted some survival tools and I was thinking hey I have been playing for a week and a bit and havent found a crashed heli, then suddenly I walk out the bushes and there it was a crashed heli with 7 or so zeds hovering around it. Anyways I crawl in and found a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 , which is awesome. But I have a question about it, why cant you turn of the NV scope?
  8. As the Topic Title says :) LOL I cant even spell my own countries name, Meant South African and sorry I put this in the wrong section aswell my bad
  9. Karlash

    Zombies harder

    I like it to, its just frustrating... worst part of this thou was a threw a smoke grenade and all but one Zombie went for the smoke, the one that was the third or fourth furtherest from me was the one I aggro'ed so didn't make sense. I like that now shooting attracts way more Zombies, I shot 3 zombies in a Barn, and in about 10min I killed 30... was fun until I ran out of ammo :), but still managed to get out a live without a scratch.
  10. Karlash

    Zombies harder

    Have they made the Zombies harder since Friday? Because Im getting spotted when my eye icon shows im hiden and also its not simply to loose aggro'ed zombies, I ran for ages zig zagging around house and bushes going prone after a 90 degree turn behind house bushes etc and nothing works, also if a zombie hit you with 8000 blood you loose consciousness. Im only just over a week into DayZ but the last 2 days have been seriously difficult in relations to Zombies view range and de-aggro'ing
  11. Karlash

    Worst Community Ever

    Go to the Diablo 3 EU Forums, its full of happy go lucky players ...... :)
  12. I agree with you, if anything all these player who sit in the big sitting waiting your ppl to come in and try resupply, so they can shoot them armed or un-arm should go play CoD or such games. I myself am only 3 days into this and Im loving it, I survived 4 bandit attacks today with out killing anyone and then died due to starvation because I got as far from the town as I could ran out of ammo while killing Zed for the odd can of food that didnt appear. I dont really mind the bandit to be honest, everyone need some sort of place in the world, and they chose to be dickeads :) ( not all bandits are bad, I actually got mugged the other day, that was pretty sweet lol) but I strongly disagree with those bandits that snipe in the big cities where noobs spawn, they to scare or lazy to go up north where the real bounties are. Im not against killing I almost killed a guy today, but I saw that there where 3 bandits coming down the hill and I didnt want to give myself away. I will kill for food lol,but anyways I love this game, i dont care about the bugs, crap inventory and the silly bastards that kill un-armed or hatchet/crossbow players... Just wish I had someone to play with :)
  13. this is my 3rd day of playing and I love this mod, currently have 1 day survived under my belt and I have a map,gps and tons of food and drinks... just looging for a better gun... but traveling along the eastern side till i get better weapons then Ill assualt the western side. Besides ppl killing me at the spawn I have no complaint at all, and getting your ass capped but a Bandit is annoying but hey you the only one to blame :) I would like a friend to play with though but can find any South Africans on the forums. Died about 5 or 6 times, 2 from bandits and the rest for being an idiot, and one suicide lol. For the most part the community on the forums are actually really friendly compared to the horse shit community on the Diablo 3 EU forums.
  14. Karlash

    GPS tags

    sigh I am a tool.... Thanks for the help :D
  15. +1000 Think I'll hire your for any translations for Street to English, Ill pay with coke/pepsi and beans, and maybe spare tools ;)