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Everything posted by Gooseguy312

  1. Dayz isn't free, i had to pay 30$ for arma 2 to play it. If it was free, i'd be paying 0$ to be able to play. From what i understand also, War z was actually in production before this came out.
  2. I just did explain it, wat are u even talking about, u are a moron. And i don't want ur stupid suggestions, so do me a favor and can it.
  3. Can you please explain that logic? i don't get it
  4. Hey, im willing to trade 4x satchel charges for high-end weapons. PM me immediately, i'd like to get this done ASAP.
  5. Gooseguy312

    Trading satchel charges for weapons.

    I found them in a tent.
  6. Hey, im willing to trade 4x satchel charges for high-end weapons. PM me immediately, i'd like to get this done ASAP. The weapons im interested in ---- L85 thermal, FN-fal nightvision scoped, mk 48 mod 0, m9 silenced pistol, DMR, silenced assault rifle, SVD sniper rifle, any of these.
  7. Gooseguy312

    Trading satchel charges for weapons.

    You can remote detonate buildings and level them. Can kill a lot of people if you know they will step near them too.
  8. Gooseguy312

    Trading satchel charges for weapons.

    Silenced AR, mk 48 mod 0, L85 thermal, SVD camo, m9 silenced pistol, FN fal with nightvision scope, any of these.
  9. Hey, i'm just looking for a trust-worthy team mate or 2 to start a small base and play with. The base will hold important equipment/weapons. Join the ventrilo: johnsteel.darkstarvent.com port: 3840 i'm in the dayzchannel. (and please respond within today, i would like to get this started immediately)
  10. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a base.

    stil llookin for peoples.
  11. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a small base.

    still looking for peeps.
  12. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a base.

    Still looking for someone.
  13. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a small base.

    lol strong hostilty, why dont u mind ur own business u fat ugly troll.
  14. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a small base.

    you haven't responded? ***STILL LOOKING*** Bump
  15. Gooseguy312

    Looking for a partner or group

    no response on skype.
  16. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a base.

    sent you a PM. ***BUMP***
  17. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a base.

    BUMP *** Still Looking ***
  18. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a small base.

    BUMP ***Still Looking***
  19. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a base.

    Bump ***Still Looking***
  20. Gooseguy312

    Looking to start up a small base.

    Bump ***Still looking***
  21. Hey, i'm just looking for a trust-worthy team mate to start a small base with, that can hold important gear. Please send me a PM if interested. And you must atleast have a small amount of in-game wealth. (and please respond within today, i would like to get this started immediately)
  22. Gooseguy312

    Looking for someone to start a base with.

    Thanks, BUMP ****STILL LOOKING****
  23. Hey, i'm just looking for a trust-worthy team mate or 2 to start a small base and play with. The base will hold important gear. Please send me a PM if interested. And you must atleast have a small amount of in-game wealth. (and please respond within today, i would like to get this started immediately)