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Rifle Eyez

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Everything posted by Rifle Eyez

  1. Rifle Eyez

    QQ topic...seriously.

    Just spawned in Electro, in that first large factory I found 2 dead survivors - one with a full Czech backback. Awesome luck - gonna loot Electro and head north!
  2. Rifle Eyez

    QQ topic...seriously.

    Any good locations for picking up higher tier weapons on the way up north? I literally have Enfields, Winchesters, Makarovs or G17 is all I seem to find! A nice M24 or something silenced would be awesome. I'm about to gear up and go for round two haha.
  3. Rifle Eyez

    thought cherno was a pvp hotspot?

    There was 34/40 when i joined the server and spent about 25 minutes finding my way around zig zagging through stores and buildings at full sprint too! I wasnt even cautious when looting once i found the enfield , i just ran around till i found a building and headshotted the zombies who followed me inside! In 3 days the only human activity ive seen is a car driving past me at krutoy cap as i s pawned and gunshots in the distance in electro which i never found the source of. Maybe everyone is just camping the airfield or making the way there. Edit : also saw a dead guy who just spawned in some random town - that's it.
  4. Rifle Eyez

    Your unluckiest/luckiest moments in DayZ?

    Luckiest - went from 2000 blood in pitch black, thunder and rain stuck in a barn with beans and 2 shots in my shottie to finding a ghillie suit, cooked meat, binoculars, enfield with tons of ammo, and 4 sodas and 2 beans in my first half hour of day z. Unluckiest - travelled for 45 mins from that point and ended up back at the barn i started in. Complete fucking circle!
  5. Rifle Eyez

    how to reduce lag

    don't get a laptop - you'll get 4 times the amount if you build your own desktop - trust me.
  6. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    First one is simple - I've been on about 15 different servers now and not one has anybody talking in the chat window on the left? So when/if I run into somebody I don't feel confident in texting ''friendly'' when I havent yet seen anybody talk - just notifications of people dying. Is it a server issue my side or is everyone just quiet? Probably just a setting maybe? Global/Direct options don't change anything... Secondly, any ideas on the config.bin/weaponscfg error? I don't get it often but was just wondering if it actually ment anything because I just ''okay'd'' it and got on the server.. And thirdly, are the connection issues just because it's a alpha or something my end? My internet will be working flawlessly yet I'll continuously get disconnected no matter what server I go in even during joining i'll get the broken red chain.. And lastly, what are the ideal settings for DayZ graphics wise? Not for asthetics but for gameplay...like turning off post processing, lowering texture detail so players stand out more or something. I can run ''most'' games on Ultra (radeon 7850/i5 760 - beast overclocking combo) for a benchmark but i'm not bothered about looks - just enhancing the gameplay. Thanks guys! It's good to be a noob at a game again!
  7. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    I literally don't know where I am - scouting a town with what looks like a huge white church at one end with a large open space behind it. Can you shoot zombies from range without alerting them? I'd take a few down but have a feeling they'd all just run at me from 400 ft away EDIT : I died. A zombie randomly got aggro'd and him and his buddy ran at me from about 100ft away crouch running. Great. And oh, I spawned in Electro. Fun times.
  8. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    Any advice on finding cooked meat for blood? I'm now on 1100, passing out every 2 minutes. Every single place I find insta spawns like 15 zombies on top of me - even if it's a 3 building farm. Can't risk being hit...
  9. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    Haha same, already. Somehow I made it out - Ended up in this military looking place. - 3 big factories surrounded by a fence that had a small gate with a archway over the top like ''KOA EOX'' or something - found 3 pepsis, a ghillie suit!!!, binoculars, a winchester and a ton of ammo and some ammo belts of LMGS and some other bits and pieces. Followed the lines out and came to a little town, currently looting for meat - I have 1300 blood and keep passing out but don't wanna lose this kit! Argh.
  10. Rifle Eyez

    Can someone help me please?

    Edit, I just found a fucking ghillie suit. Will trade for halp haha. Edit x 2 : Found Pepsi and some Binoculars. Seem to be at a army base? Had a little gate that said KAO AOX on a arch above it or something? in the middle of nowhere though.
  11. Rifle Eyez

    Can someone help me please?

    I'm in exactly the same position. Pitch black, 2000 blood so I can't see anything - heavy rain, thunder and lightening slowly dying of thirst and I keep blacking out. All I have is a double barrel, 2 shells and beans. I also have no idea where I am haha..
  12. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    Awesome, thanks man. I'll try it. I'm currently in the middle of nowhere by myself with 2000 blood, pitch black with heavy ass rain, thunder and lightening and zombie noises all around me + I have 2 shells for my Double Barrel left and some beans when I need water. Fuuuuuuuuuu. I literally cannot see 1 ft in front of me but it's hands down a amazing experience for a alpha...I kinda want to suck forever, games lose their touch once you get the best kit! EDIT : Made it to a barn using the lightening + quick burst of my flashlight to navigate. I'm now stuck in a pitch black corner slowly dying. Hahah.
  13. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    Okay couple more questions that are gonna sound retarded but .. If you ''log out'', does that essentially save your inventory? heard somebody say it's good to do periodically almost like a ''save game''..+ is there a failsafe way to ''leave'' the game without any bullshit occuring/losing everything? and is there any way to get rid of the ridiculous glitchy sky/horizon if you look at a certain angle? tried changing a few settings but no luck - just took another path. oh and night servers? is there anyway I can avoid them? i guess it's time zoned and I will play more at night but I literally cannot see more than 2ft in front of me in some buildings which is annoying when you have barely any kit.. and one more, when looting towns/buildings i've noticed loot tends to be randomly in front door ways or inside buildings you can open. any other places loot spawns in particular? like randomly in backyards or something? I was in some smaller town and according to a day-z map somebody linked me there was literally 15 dots for loot spawn and I could only find 2 or 3 things
  14. Rifle Eyez

    Few noob questions..

    Awesome, have my beans sir. Also has the side chat always been that way? Everytime I watch gameplay videos it's like a endless stream asking to meet up for trades and other trolling opportunities - on mine it just feels dead. At least global chat in that respect would make it feel more like a ''world'' full of players.
  15. Rifle Eyez

    how to reduce lag

    Nah - it'll be your specs No, if anything Arma Free would be your best option because it has lower res textures than the paid for game. I don't think you're gonna have much luck running it on your laptop with a intergrated graphics chip like that i'm afraid. You'd probably get better results building a budget desktop for $300 if that's a option?
  16. So I missed the 40% off steam sale waiting on my new GPU to arrive and payday to hit (a day after the sale ended, FML big time - should have just dipped into my savings account) So where's the next cheapest place for a download or is steam still the cheapest? I'm in the UK btw - can I buy from abroad as a digitial download? Cheapest i've seen is £20 in the UK. Ridiculous how it was $14.99 which is around £8 - kinda makes me less inclined to drop £20+ on it even though it's probably worth it. inb4 poorfag, get a job etc. I'm saving to move in my own place when my girlfriend graduates uni and gets her ass a job. life >> games.
  17. Rifle Eyez

    cheapest place to get Arma CO?

    Well that was pretty much my thinking. I'm not a Arma 2 player, but day-z interests me but i'm not prepared to blow £30 just for a mod in alpha stage that might never get even a beta if it is released for Arma 3. I'm sure i'd probably enjoy Arma 2 vanilla but I have a bunch of games I haven't really touched and because Day-Z is different I would be prepared to drop £10 for it...
  18. Rifle Eyez

    cheapest place to get Arma CO?

    Isn't the Arma 2 free ''low res textures'' though? Or is it just fanboys wanting everyone to spend their money? I'd be willing to pay £20 for the experience but i'm pretty tight with my money and after seeing a almost half price sale it's put me off haha
  19. Rifle Eyez

    need some halp quickly!

    Yes it's gonna be another ''what do I need to run day-z'' thread. But I have done my research and soon as I decide another card or review pops up! So to make it easier for everyone, all I need is a new GPU. I hand built my desktop for intensive music production a year ago so have a good gigabyte mobo, decent case, quad core, 8gb ram, good psu and all the bells and whistles (yup im being vague ha) BUT....my GPU is a Radeon HD 5450. (feel free to troll me but i only needed something cheap) so...my budget is £200. which is allegedly $310 dollars according to google but the prices are never relative anyway. if possible i'd like to shave a £10-30 off that though for the sake of a extra 3fps or something ridiculous. looking to run DayZ (obviously) at close to max if possible at 1920x1080 on a single monitor (22 inch widescreen asus) So far i've seen a GTX 480 for £179.99, but i've heard it's pretty noisey and the power consumption is insane, so I'd rather avoid this but i'm not actually sure if it's urban legend haha. £169.99 for a Radeon 6950 IceQ X PLUS Edition. £179.99 for a Zotac GTX 560ti which comes pre-overclocked (heard good things but apparently lags a bit in towns on dayz?) £179.99 for a XFX AMD Radeon HD 7850 2gb £199.99 for a second hand Asus nVIDIA SLI GeForce GTX 570 in perfect condition £180 for a Radeon HD7850 2GB £199.99 for a Radeon 5850 1GB Card Thoughts? Or alternatives? I'm ordering in the next 2 hours so any advice would be great!!
  20. Rifle Eyez

    need some halp quickly!

    Think I'm about to go with the Radeon Sapphire 7850 for 199.99 including delivery. Fuuuuuuu. I don't know haha..
  21. Rifle Eyez

    need some halp quickly!

    Is the 570 the best card on the list? I thought 199.99 for it was a steal second hand considering i've seen it for £250+ Haha this is why it's been so hard to make my decison. Everytime I've made my mind up i've seen another bad review on a card or some fault...Or even one card overclocks better so in theory is better than a more expensive card and so on. Well I have a 320gb 10000 RPM Drive and a 500gb 7200 rpm Seagate drive internally which are both pretty clean cuz I have 2 2tb external HD's and a 500gb seagate external with all my music production stuff on it, with a overclocked quad core i7 and a good mobo/psu so I'm assuming i'd be okay. w/ dual boot windows xp and windows 7 ultimate..
  22. Rifle Eyez

    need some halp quickly!

    First post, first troll. Awesome! <3 Thats what I thought. Then you read how so and so card is better than the 560ti or is on par with it with less power consumption or less overclocking ability...Argh.