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Everything posted by CanadianKeystone

  1. CanadianKeystone

    Looking for people to survive with

    In on this. Be on in 3.5 hours. Steam ID is z_element. I'll join any server in North America/U.K.
  2. CanadianKeystone

    My dayz clan app

    Name: Grant Age: 23 Time Zone... GMT? Ontario. EXP: 2 hours. I would prefer to lug around extra items with a crew as I get used to the game. In 2-3 weeks I'll have a new comp and can actually do stuff. I'm a quick learner and have been following DayZ for a month. Made it off the shore, into 2 towns, still alive so far.
  3. CanadianKeystone

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    PLEASE PM me if you need/want help. I don't mind being a mule for the next few weeks till my new comp comes in. You know, holding food and medical supplies and such...
  4. CanadianKeystone

    Survivor Safe Zone

    it'll probably take me a couple weeks to become pro at all this, but Im so down. I've always been relentless towards those who throw out morals and exact injustice among the defenceless. Wow, mouth full.
  5. CanadianKeystone

    Sup guys, First time playing Day Z, need a squad.

    Just started today. Regardless of timezone I'll be on in 4.5 hours. Steam is z_element. My comp is shit, but Im a pretty good gamer and good with squad communication.
  6. CanadianKeystone

    Introduce yourselves

    Just started. Willing to play on any US/Canadian server due to ping. I'll be on most days/nights. PM me if you're looking for new members who are committed. I'm getting a new comp purely for this game. :)
  7. CanadianKeystone

    Your First Life

    First moments. Spawned on the coast. It's quiet, the sound of the ocean. I expect to get shot. It doesn't happen. I head left (South?). I immediately find a trail of 3 bodies leading to a town with a lighthouse. Each body has been ransacked. I sneak into the town and despite my careful movements, I aggro everything. I spend 5-10 minutes heading North, being chased to another town and on a whim used the docks to escape (just found out they're a safe zone). I find 2 more bodies in this town, with lots of ammo, pop, and a hatchet. I know I'm a prime target to be looted. I sneak out of town as the zombies suddenly increase. "head to the hills." and so I did. I found a series of houses and some more ammo on a small road. Now I'm resting next to a shack in the middle of the woods. I've survived 35 minutes so far, no survivors, no weapons. It's tough to see and move as my computer can barely keep up. So far it seems like a glorified cross country simulator, but I'm spending $600 on a new comp based solely on the recommendations of several friends.