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About anullu

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  1. binocular ! http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3598/a4kbbtuc_png.htm http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3598/ge9u9w62_png.htm http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3598/njxunxd4_png.htm
  2. like the system. always hit my targets. dont get the problem....
  3. anullu

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    how about no ??!!!
  4. anullu

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Reddit :D :D
  5. anullu

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Bow ! http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/595907960283239860/6038DCA36762E866E4BF7E1FFC102ED2663C3870/
  6. anullu

    New Experimental?

    Bow ! http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/595907960283239860/6038DCA36762E866E4BF7E1FFC102ED2663C3870/
  7. anullu

    New Experimental?

    This made me laugh real hard. thank you
  8. anullu

    Funny Ambush

    First of all: we normaly dont kill on sight when a player is unarmed. we already took some hostages and used handcuffs etc. but this time we just wanted to have some fun. and for us it was really funny :D I wish I could have seen how this looked from the guys perspective I saw this guy trough the window.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7rc975QObc&feature=youtu.be
  9. anullu

    More clothing?

    Hello Survivors, first of all. I love the way the new clothing systems works. I love the differenty ways the surivovors look. It feels much better than in the mod and its is getting easier to play with a big group of people. Of course this shouldn't be high priority but does anybody know if rocket said anything about more clothes ? more backpacks etc to have even more variations ? thanks
  10. Hey Guys, I had a pause from playing Dayz for a few months. The last time me and my friends used to play it was FULL of hackers. Every Server we played on you where dancing gangnam style or got portet or anything like that after a couple of minutes. We even tried our own server. Set up some anti hacks and so on. No chance - hackers everywhere. soooo we started to play again about 3 weeks ago and we didnt meet a single hacker. this is awesome - what changed !? We are even thinking about hosting our own server again.
  11. anullu

    DayZ Mod Update

    am I the onlyone who thinks that this patch made more bugs than it fixed ? My Server was running very well with its buggy as hell. crashes every day. Players join as a raven....."something went wrong" message on and on. I updated it a couple of times manually and via my game hoster. nothing changed. as I look in other game hoster forums or go on other server, I feel that hey having the same problems. Its very frustrating.
  12. - Name [bB]Anullu - Location Germany - GUID 383be99bd7b5bcfd775cbac433f2dec2 - There is no single server where you can play without being hacked. I even hosted my own server, but I am not able to get it hacker free. It is just frustrating. Me and my friends just want to play dayz without dancing gangnam style or dieing by bombs over elektro :( thank you
  13. anullu

    Am I a bad person?

    exactly. Im a Bandit. I kill everbody exept ppl of my crew
  14. I love this posts....so funny.... this game is fuckin beta !! why dont u get it ? and it is a mod. you did not buy Dayz !!!! you bought arma2!! this is just a mod. Rocket does it for free....in...his free time...he does not have a lot of money he can invest in this mod like big companies! stop hating. make your own mod! If rocket doesnt feel to do this mod anymore...we are all screwed! Besides that I guess they are working a lot on the standalone version right now. Wich is good ! I would prefer to play a buggy dayz for 2 more month to get a finished DayZ2 after!! kthxbye rocket - i love your work !