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Everything posted by armyof12monkeyss

  1. So whenever I try to go into my clans server the game crashes, but not on other servers. I load in, see the list of names, click ok, reciving mission file loads and then I crash to destop. Message says "Arma 2 oa has stopped working". Faulting application name: arma2oa.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50a65807 Faulting module name: arma2oa.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50a65807 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0012fab6 Faulting process id: 0x160 Faulting application start time: 0x01cdd032f2041e56 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe Report Id: 3e66a773-3c26-11e2-95c0-f46d04ed62cf anyone have any idea?
  2. armyof12monkeyss

    Sniping in Cherno

    this is a waste of a post.
  3. armyof12monkeyss

    I hate you rocket

    lolol posts like these are so pathetic.
  4. armyof12monkeyss

    Wanna create "The Militia"

    check your messages
  5. There is about a good 15 of us on our own server. We all play together and are always in teamspeak when playing. The reason why KOS will always be a "problem" is this. We have our OWN server with a big base camp around Cherno. I role play as the sheriff of Cherno. I'm out to protect my guys and keep non members away from Cherno. Whoever is not us is killed. So all the complaints about KOS are just a waste of breath. Add all the humanity you want, we aren't friendly to anyone who isn't us. I know we cant be the only group doing this. Therefor the "problem" will always be there, and as far as I'm concerned there is no problem. These forums almost suck with the amount of complaints that are posted. Its hardly ever constructive criticism. They only things negative I have to say about this game are gameplay problems that in time will be fixed. Yes I've had my head stuck in a doorway and bleed out. No need to post about it, cry about it, rage about it, or quit over it. So Keep an eye out for the Sheriff of Cherno, and watch your back.
  6. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    I am not an admin, we only kick for 2 reasons. First, hacking of course. and the second using hacked weapons. and we NEVER lock the server. how else would i hunt forum crybabies like yourself? You think i was post the server info so that you guys can come in and destroy it? none of the butthurt KoS anti bandit people would play fair. so why would i do that? I love how mad some people are getting over this. all the people posting who are clearly upset are a bunch of LOSERS! lol its a game people. go worry about Obama destroying the country or something else thats for real, fuckin pathetic...
  7. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    Brilliant! Nothing to add to that. See what I am saying is this, as of now my group is KoS. and that means the dev team can make any type of update they want to balance the humanity thing, I'm still going to shoot non team members on sight, and I know a lot of other people will too. Clearly you're a level headed adult and we can speak like that to each other. The group that I play with I meet in a random server and they took pity on me and didn't KoS oddly enough. I would much rather play that style but its just too hard. Too many times the players don't respond back and I kill them. I prefer to play as a friendly but as of now is too much work for me. Clearly you misread, I said I act as Sheriff for my TEAM MEMBERS. Therefor you, Chiefmasterkush, would be killed because you're not part of the team, understand? Also, as a heads up, I've yet to wear a bandit skin so don't butt hurt too much, i'm really not a bandit.
  8. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    You're not for real with that post are you? You think I don't understand that? You've missed the point of the post, but uhh, hey, thanks for the education... lol I would, but I don't own the server nor do I play under this name. Also don't believe what you read on the interwebs. I may or may not have changed some of the names and locations in my post. I'm not as new as the fool above you thinks lol.
  9. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    See, I still haven't figured out a good safe way to contact people. I get more of a rush safely finding and helping people then I do hunting. In time, I would like to play more like your style, but as of now I'm holding it down in Cherno.
  10. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    That's what I've done in Cherno. Barbed wire, tank traps, sand bags. Its a whole little city that we call use. I've heard that there are plans for more what you're talking about in the future.
  11. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    I really do enjoy helping people, but more often then not I've been shot. There was some guy running from zomboooooooos one day and I asked him if he needed help. I shot the Zombies off him and asked him if he was friendly. He shoots me dead and says "nope." That's when I stopped asking people if they are friendly or foe.
  12. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    Dude, great reply. I'm enjoying just sitting back and playing the game just how it is. I look forward to the updates and watching the game grow. And yeah playing cards close to your chest is ALWAYS a smart move and makes updates more fun for me!
  13. armyof12monkeyss

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    Just dont shoot my deputy.
  14. So I bought Arma II just for DayZ but I've never played it. That means I have no clue what normal Arma II servers are like. That said, last night I was in US123. It was a nice server and all but some fishy stuff has been happen. Last night was the worse. A friend and I watched a guy fly a chopper and as it was getting closer it lost control and crashed. We ran to the chopper to find the guy piloting the choppers passed out next to it. I gave him some pain pills and we talked for a second. He role played at first but when question on how/why he crashed he said he hit the wrong key on his keyboard, lost control, and crashed on his way to pick up is friend. The guy had a BIG black sniper rifle that I haven't seen before, It was huge. As we parted ways I shouted to him "please don't shut us" to which he said, "dont worry, I wont." He was good on his word and didnt kill us. We watch him disappear over a hill to go find his friend. We started moving towards Cherno again. It was about 5 mins after the first crash another chopper comes fly over. I assumed It was the same guy and now suspected him of hacking. This time the chopper flew past us in the same direction as before but this time without crashing. About 30 maybe 40 minutes later I'm walking somewhere neat Cherno, I dont even remember, when all of a sudden every player in the server was transported to what look Bolata Airfield inside the hangers. I realized what happened instantly and started running. It was a blood bath. Everyone started shooting each other and basically everyone was killed. It sucked but was kinda funny. HERE IS THE QUESTION. Once the game is officially released with there be hacking problems like this. Do Arma II servers have problems like this? Is this going to be a problem in the future? (this isn't a hate thread or a complaint. Haters need not reply)
  15. armyof12monkeyss

    Question about hackers and hacking.

    Hahaha thanks for the beans man. I'm totally aware of the whole alpha thing that's why I was asking if Arma II had the same problem. I figured that the Arma II servers would be a good indicator of how DayZ servers would be after the release.
  16. armyof12monkeyss

    Yep i am done, i quit

    Can we get this waste of a thread deleted? It just takes up space and makes it hard to find post that I want to read.
  17. As my first post I would like to extend a big thank you to the DayZ staff and Dev team. The hard work you guys have put in thus far is amazing. Even with all the little bugs and glitches this game has me hooked! Dare I say it is the best game I've ever played? Yes, I dare... This is the ONLY game that has EVER made my heart race and adrenaline pump. The experience I have while sitting by the gentle glow of my computer screen looking like a zombie myself is unmatched. I really hope staff and dev see this post, so again, thanks for the hard work you guys are doing, and keep up the great work. Can't wait to see and experience the finished product. Thanks again.