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Maximus the Great

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Everything posted by Maximus the Great

  1. Maximus the Great

    Which gun is better?

    AKM = Higher Rate of Fire Lee Einfield = Instant Kill anything but fires slowly and loudly.
  2. Maximus the Great

    Bandit hot spots

    Anywhere but in the woods. And sometimes in the woods.
  3. Yes, this will add a WHOLE NEW ELEMENT to the Paranoia! *walking along...* *heartbeat* *shits pants*
  4. Maximus the Great

    Player Made "Left 4 Dead" style Graffiti

  5. Maximus the Great

    Rarest Item?

  6. Maximus the Great

    I feel really, really bad...

    "Trust is the foundation of love but it can also be the start of betrayal" -Unknown I would have rather you shot me on sight than pretended to be friendly. It's not only confusing, but more emotionally damaging. (AKA Dick Move)
  7. If by chance you are telling the truth then your 'friend' owes you a new copy of ARMA 2: CO or however much it costs to buy a new copy. Hang that over her head for a bit.
  8. Maximus the Great

    Bro Team does Day Z

    WARNING EXCESSIVE BAD WORDS! Frankly, I laughed my balls off.
  9. Maximus the Great

    Bro Team does Day Z

  10. Maximus the Great


    Enjoy the gear while it lasts. Because if your climbing on top of Apartments in Elektro/Cherno it isint gonna last long.
  11. Maximus the Great

    m1911 and revolver nerfed?

    I don't mean to be rude. But this has to be the 50th thread about the nerf. Search button is your friend.
  12. Maximus the Great

    Why "blood" instead of "health"?

    Because using Health Packs for a Health Transfusion would sound more like White Magic.
  13. Maximus the Great

    Ban when Abort

    fraust pls
  14. Maximus the Great

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Worst Death? I kill three guys near a helicopter crash with my Lee and as im searching the bodies one of them teleports to me and shoots me in the face.
  15. Maximus the Great

    Found a Bike!!! :D :D :D

    You should return that bike to it's rightful owner. He was pretty upset it was stolen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqXBZXk-WMI&feature=related
  16. Maximus the Great

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    This man, knows how to find the silver lining.
  17. Maximus the Great

    Hey Marcel you ALT+F4'd a little too late.

    Tell us how you REALLY feel.
  18. Maximus the Great

    Damn you, Brazilian Servers!

    So, I hop on BRA1 server as it had a respectable ping and player pop and as I load in I am greeted with the Death Statistics window and a message saying I had died. Of course this gave me quite the shock and I immediatly began to shit bricks, so I aborted out and I hopped on another server. I spawn on the beach and to my great pleasure I had all my gear on me! Weapon, bag, everything intact!. However, I notice some unarmed idiot running around in circles being chased by a zombie and screaming over voice chat. I decide to throw him a bone and I shoot the zombie, but he still runs around in a circle yelling random things when I hear *pop pop*. JESUS! I see a guy in a guillie suit STANDING to the front of me firing his FAL. I hit the deck, and in a panic I fire my DMR about 10 times in his direction. Safe to say, he was swiss cheese. Realizing it was a trap I bolt to his body, loot it, and hide it. And then I hear the Helicopter. I proceed to shit my pants and run into the woods and up the hill, watching my back as I saw it pick up the unarmed guy and began flying toward me. I watched it get in the side position in which the unarmed guy could unload on me with the machine gun and I aborted out. The moral of the story? Brazil has bad servers.
  19. Maximus the Great

    So. i turned into a Goat (Hackers?) or bug?

    Did you piss off any Witch Doctors recently?
  20. Maximus the Great

    Damn you, Brazilian Servers!

    Well, sorry for letting you down by DCing but in my opinion, when I see some hackers about to gun me down and unfairly kill my character it is a valid excuse to DC and switch servers. Also sorry if me dcing ruined the story, but I wouldent be truthful if I had instead said: "I pulled out my Rawket Lawncha and shawt those weenies down! AMERICA!"
  21. Maximus the Great

    Please unban

    So, which hack did you use? Aim - Bot? Scripts? Wallhack? Teleport?
  22. A truly captivating story for the ages. You sir, are a master wordsmith.
  23. Ive yet to be killed by a hacker but ive been followed by a Helicopter. ALT - F4 in my opinion is acceptable when being assaulted or followed by a hacker. No one deserves to be taken out that way.
  24. Maximus the Great

    Help me understand the sniper scope. (DMR)

    TBH I just got feel of the range of the DMR from doing the ARMA 2 Training Missions. At a certain range (im gonna guess 500m) the DMR get alittle inaccurate, requiring you to aim alittle higher to go for central mass. If you want to for sure get someone at a long range with it though I would fire off a few shots at your target until you see TWO blood splatters from their body. (or one if you got a headshot) DMR isint as powerful as the other snipers but has a high rate of fire and large clip size.