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About Exoyo

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  1. Exoyo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    No not yet, I'm still there, I really need help, I have a blood pack folr the transfusion, and weapons if things do go bad. PM Me, or my steam is exoyo.
  2. Exoyo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i need a blood transfusion near the powerplant in elektro. steam account is exoyo
  3. Exoyo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm at 400 on blood, I really need help. I'm in the firestation next to the powerplant in Elektro. If anyone would be willing to help me out, that'd be great.
  4. Hello, I really need a blood transfusion! I have the bloodpack(s), I just need someone to help. I am at the top of the fire station next to the power plant in Elektro. Contact me: PM Me, Steam: Exoyo
  5. Bump! Please, I really need help and I haven't been able to get ahold of any of the Wasteland medics! Please!
  6. Exoyo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need medical help please! I have a broken leg I belive, and cannot walk. If someone could help, please contact me. Steam: Exoyo. I am in the fire statio/station house in Elektro!
  7. None of them I'm able to talk to cause most of them aren't online.
  8. Hi guys, right now I am currently stuck in the Fire Station at Elektro with a broken leg/bone. I can't walk, and it's too dangerous to venture out to a hospital while prone. If someone could please help me with morphine I would be very greatful. Tell me what server we can meet up on if you're willing to help. Thanks guys!
  9. Exoyo

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi! I'm Exoyo (Exoyo in-game, as well.) Great, great mod, glad to be a part of the community!
  10. Exoyo

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi! I'm Exoyo (Exoyo in-game, as well.) Great, great mod, glad to be a part of the community!