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newb (DayZ)

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About newb (DayZ)

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  1. Woah now, after initial purchase, there will be pay-for-updates?
  2. When 3D resolution is 100, I take a drastic performance hit Already did Yes Sir! They do improve drastically when I do that, I can pull 40-50 easy doing that. Wish I knew what was up
  3. Tried all of that, I dont drop below ~18 in foliage :P Agreed Designed for CAD and workstation tasks :) Yep, Maximum
  4. Didn't help :/ Gave me an extra couple. I'm testing in the forest right now, because that's where the major problem is. I average ~20/21 down to 80% resolution. I've noticed that as well >_< I just can't for the life of my find a way to compensate for it or fix it.
  5. I can't for the life of me pull more than 22 FPS with my NVIDIA card running, or 27 with my integrated card running. Does anyone have any tips? I benchmark FPS with Fraps. Also, I seem to get better FPS in cities, bunkers, or places without foliage. Any forests or grassy areas, my FPS likes to drop to ~14 NVIDIA ~18 Integrated. These are my computer's specs: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit Intel i7-3820QM running at 2.70GHz, 3.7GHz max boosted (When DayZ is running, it likes to hover around 3.5GHz) CPU is quad core with 8 threads running DirectX 9 Integrated graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4000 (2112 MB) Discrete graphics: NVIDIA Quadro K1000M 24 Gigs of RAM These are my DayZ launch parameters: -winxp -cpuCount=4 -nosplash -high -noPause -world=empty -exThreads=7 -skipIntro -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 These are my DayZ settings: Interface Resolution: Windowed 3D Resolution: 1450x820 (83%) Visibility: 1500 Texture Detail: High Video Memory: Default Anisotropic Filtering: Disabled Antialiasing: Disabled ATOC: Disabled Terrain Detail: Normal Objects Detail: Very Low Shadow Detail: Disabled HDR quality: Normal PPAA: Disabled Postprocesss effects: Disabled Interface Size: Large Aspect Ratio: Custom Vsync: Disabled I have tried tinkering with these settings for months to no avail, following every guide out there that I could find. Am I capped at ~25-30 FPS Max? Is it possible for me to go higher?
  6. newb (DayZ)

    What Luck.

    I went to the Cherno apartments looking for a ghillie suit today. Didn't find a ghille, instead I found 4 Alice packs, a Cezch pack, and a mountain dew. Nice to know that in a game where I have zero luck, I manage to find a bunch of good stuff I didn't need <_< Just thought I'd share; Anyone have any moments like this? :lol:
  7. +1 To Helson! He was great, gave me a cooked meat to tide me over, NVGs, a ghillie suit, and a rangefinder. Way to go above and beyond! :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  8. A: Your in-game name: xxLurker B: Your condition/ailments: About to die of starvation, need food C: Your location: Coordinates 069 039, Devil's Castle D: A general description of your character : Wearing Camo Clothing, Czech backpack, has a rifle in hand
  9. newb (DayZ)

    Trading Bizon SD

    There weren't any mags at the crash site :(
  10. newb (DayZ)

    Trading Bizon SD

    I'm looking to trade my Bizon SD (no mags) for a ghillie suit, alice pack, toolbox or maybe a couple M9 mags. If you want you could also have my Czec pack after the trade. Any other offers, etc. feel free to post them.
  11. newb (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No, just allow people to vault over it.
  12. I log in today to find a huge boat sitting about 20 meters to my right. I think, "Well, that wasn't there when I logged out..." I walk to the closest field and find this: Looks like some hacker was having a fun time; sadly I couldn't find a way into any of them :( These ships stretched for hundreds upon hundreds of meters in every direction.
  13. newb (DayZ)

    It's all about hit detection

    Don't glocks have flashlights? He was holding it like a pistol
  14. newb (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    AlphaStalker2 and all his pals really helped me out! Thanks again guys!
  15. newb (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Added on steam. I don't mind waiting! Hit me up when you get on and into town. Then I'll log into your server Steam name: gamer_xyz