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About Troenderfury

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  1. Troenderfury

    What just happened?

    Thanks for the information given in this thread. Today I stumbled upon another AS50 TWS, aswell as a golden revolver and a silenced makarov. Hacked weapons seems to be everywhere..
  2. Troenderfury

    What just happened?

    Thanks for the information. I no longer have this weapon and I will never pick up anything like it again.
  3. Troenderfury

    Traders and Traitors

    Looking for a ghillie suit. Items I have for trade - NV goggles - Rangefinder - GPS
  4. Troenderfury

    What just happened?

    Had it, ran with it, died with it. 30 min tops.
  5. Troenderfury

    What just happened?

    Actually, no. I couldn't resist picking it up as I have never held any of it's kind in my hands before.
  6. Troenderfury

    What just happened?

    Yeah I know it's not meant to be in this game. However, I saw a post saying that it isn't illegall to use hacked weapons, so I took the chance when looting it. Shame I never got to use it though :/
  7. Troenderfury

    What just happened?

    Alright. A few days a go (before I got killed near Stary Sobor. I Pretty much had the best gear available, including an AS50 TWS. Looted it from a dead body on sniper hill if anyone wondered. Anyways. When I log on today, I spawn at Stary Sobor (Not where I died) with an AS50 (non-TWS) and all of the tools. I also spawned with a radio(?!) and a laser marker(!?) So I ask. What just happened?
  8. Looks like a hacker got access to the admin panel and banned inocent people.
  9. Troenderfury

    No CD key (steam)

    Did you get your key yet? I just got mine.
  10. Troenderfury

    No CD key (steam)

    This just happened to me aswell, when buying my second arma 2 key. After some googling it seems like Steam is out of keys. Should resolve itself in 24 hours. If not, make a ticket.
  11. Troenderfury

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks alot to Cereal_killer for patching me up! <3
  12. Troenderfury

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Could need some assistance near Elektro. I'm on a low populated server (3 at the moment, including me). I'm down to 2000 blood! Halp! Edit: Only me on the server
  13. Troenderfury

    No Servers appearing on list

    Same issue here. When clicking on 'multiplayer' it takes about 25 seconds to get in, and when I get in there are no servers. You can still connect to servers through their IP adress though. Read this post on how to do that. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44752-multilayer-maintenance-a-way-to-still-play-dayz/