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Everything posted by rossmum

  1. This is the worst argument I have ever seen on this forum, and that's saying something. Was it in a junior division? That is the kind of thing I would expect from a twelve-year-old. Winning a state shooting comp doesn't make you some be-all-end-all authority on whether scoped rifles belong in this mod or not. I do shoot, quite reguarly actually and with military rifles as well as civilian, and I don't see how that bears any relevance to this mod. I could argue you have no idea which way is up when it comes to game design, which would actually be both true and relevant, unlike your 'argument'. CS and DayZ are in no way comparable, even the most casual of gamers can see the difference. There might not be wind, but the challenge is to find a player and get yourself in such a position where you can shoot them and not immediately be counter-sniped or rushed by half a city's worth of zombies. This post smacks of either wanting to validate your massive ego, or wanting something removed because someone managed to pick you off ingame and you're mad about it. Grow up. And stop giving Australian gun owners a bad name while you're at it.
  2. I prefer moonlit night to day by an order of magnitude. Daytime is terrible as a bandit because you are easy to spot and people are out in force; zombies are also more of a problem because while you can see them from miles off, they can also see you much better. Moonlit nights, on the other hand, will cause deep cast shadows under trees, and even darker contained ones within bus shelters, buildings, etc., making you practically invisible. Meanwhile, idiot survivors are running around with chemlights, flares, flashlights and all manners of other dumb shit. Nearly all of my best work as a bandit has been at night.
  3. rossmum

    Different chemlight colors?

    IR chems exist, and there is a pretty wide variety of colours for the visible light ones. I have an orange and a green kicking around here somewhere. Absolutely support different durations, though. The ones I have are 12-hour, and finally lose their illumination totally after about a day. I've seen some last several.
  4. I like the idea of hallucinations, but not such obvious ones. I can't honestly say I have a whole bunch of personal experience, but the times I have caught myself hallucinating (due to sleep deprivation, mainly), I thought I could hear someone calling me (as well as whispering I couldn't decipher). Visually, I remember spotting movement at the periphery of my vision only to realise it wasn't there. I've heard about friends who were on picquet after a few days with almost no sleep seeing chair-throwing monkeys in the treeline, and my mother and grandmother can't have morphine because it makes them see ants crawling everywhere, but I'm not sure you'd go straight into "headless bodies and spiders" level stuff from a little dehydration. Advanced dehydration? Maybe, I don't know. The second reason is that it feels cheap and not as scary as it could be when you have this kind of stuff. Implied horror is scarier than actual horror. If you make the player think they hear zombies, but not see anything... think they hear bandits taunting them, gunshots, spot movement out of the corner of their eye only to turn and see nothing there... I think that would screw with people's heads a lot better than really corny horror tropes.
  5. First point is pretty simple. The PM is fine as-is against zombies, but even at point-blank range with all shots being directed into the upper torso, it is essentially useless against players unless they are AFK or have no idea where you are. It routinely takes more than one magazine just to knock them out, let alone kill them outright - and while it's fine that the starting pistol is less than ideal against other players, it just seems like it is a lot worse than even that should make it. I'm not saying it needs to be 'balanced'; just that it needs to be a little more of a threat to people who get ambushed by guys using their starting gear, rather than something they can laugh off. Second is regarding the people who disconnect the moment they either get swarmed or are fired upon. This is especially frustrating as a bandit; I want to keep my humanity low enough to avoid my model switching back, but out of three people I got the drop on today, two disconnected - the moment the first shot hit in the first guy's case, and immediately after throwing a smoke grenade at me in the second. I know they are likely to die next time they join a server, since they were both bleeding prodigiously, but if there's some way to block people from disconnecting in the first place for a period of perhaps 2-3 minutes after last taking damage, it would help stop this. Is this possible at all?
  6. rossmum

    Winchester OP?

    No, no, and as far as I'm aware the 1866 wasn't offered in 12ga. I suspect it's going to get an overhaul sooner or later.
  7. I would absolutely hate to see the guy I just spent the better part of fifteen minutes stalking respawn on his hitherto clueless friend and then come after me. This would make ambushing and besting larger parties, or even simple hit-and-run raids, absolutely impossible. It would also see everyone with a friend already in the game suddenly appearing with tricked out weapons in massive numbers in places they ought not to be. If you die, you start over. No picking and choosing which bits are reset and which aren't. Being able to respawn on, or fast-travel to friends would absolutely ruin the mod's gameplay. Even once is too many times, this should never, ever be a thing.
  8. rossmum

    Weapon Durability

    That's not really realistic in itself though. Within the first 5 rounds I put through my functionally perfect, squeaky clean 91/30 I had a failure to feed immediately followed by a double feed which I am completely at a loss to explain. The Lee-Enfield will suffer rimlock jams if loaded incorrectly. Lever guns will choke on ammo sometimes.
  9. rossmum

    More incentive for teamwork

    NO. The entire thing that makes this mod unique from the endless tide of zombie co-op missions or mods or games is that players are free to do what they want, including screwing each other over. Without that, or with 'incentives' to try and force PVE against zombies, it loses what makes it unique and becomes boring and predictable. This topic has been done to death already, as you would have seen if you'd bothered to read the big thread stickied to the top of the pages entitled "READ BEFORE POSTING", or words to that effect.
  10. rossmum

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, scrap them. Technical problems are not worth going through when they are rather arbitrary, a lot of people with bandit skins were just defending themselves and it leads to a lot of ingame drama when one of these guys gets shot on sight. Make players a little more hesitant.
  11. Mosins are common everywhere. In North America they are probably one of the most commonly owned military surplus weapons (if not the most common). In Europe they're everywhere. In Asia, South America, Africa, the Middle East, Australia... everywhere you go, you will see the 91/30. Everywhere. I'm not exaggerating... it was the AK-47 of its day.
  12. rossmum

    depth and choice with weapons

    Re: weapons. Anything from WWII, including the SVT, is moderately common throughout Europe. American weapons like the M1 Carbine were given to the German parks/wildlife guys and border guards during the Cold War, Greece had Garands, etc. The SVT would be a last resort though as that thing is LOUD. Model 8s are in fact not all that rare, they were contract-built for Russia in 7.62x54R. Not sure how many remain in Europe vs. the US but I suspect they would be something you'd see from time to time. Really, in order of commonality, you'd be looking at .22s and hunting rifles first, milsurp rifles next down the list (as they are very common but perhaps not as readily available or widely used), then older stuff following on. The exception here is the 91/30, which should be as common as the hunting rifles (if not the most common weapon). Handguns should be rarer, but still encountered with some degree of frequency. The occasional 91/30 PU sniper would be great, too.
  13. rossmum

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    He pointed out a number of things on your model that you could improve, and merely made the statement that it wouldn't fit in with the current ingame assets, which I totally agree with. Many ArmA 2 mods have art assets which don't fit with the rest of the game, and art consistency is an important thing. He wasn't saying "this guy's crap", he was making a valid point which most people are either unwilling or unable to acknowledge. At no point did he say anything that could be construed as rude or insulting, but I will probably duck out of this thread too since it has become apparent that criticism of any sort is unwelcome regardless of intent.
  14. rossmum

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    Great attitude, bud! You'll go far by responding to people who give honest criticism, and know what they're talking about, to "get the f*** out" of your thread. It's a wonder people even try and help.
  15. rossmum

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    Yes' date=' I do. History proves to us that not all humans give much of a damn about their fellow man and will gladly kill them for their own profit. That is why we have things like, oh I don't know, bandits, pirates and [b']common criminals. If this is not the case where you live, then please let me know where this wonderland of brotherly love and peace is, because I would move there in an instant.
  16. rossmum

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    Agreed with Harry. It only has whatever meaning you attach to it. With that said, however, its only purpose is to dictate how long you have the bandit skin, and frankly I would not complain if that entire aspect of the game, along with humanity, was removed. It seems fairly useless and doesn't really add anything to the mod, especially when survivors are killing each other and bandits are being shot because they got the skin by defending themselves.
  17. Seriously? I would say that not knowing if there is a sniper is a lot more tense, because you know that if they see you, you have no chance of taking them out first. You can when someone is right in front of you. Here's a better idea: don't run around on roads drawing attention to yourself. Use shadows and low walls to your advantage. Avoid popular places like the major cities or airfields. Start using your brain and playing intelligently instead of expecting everything that can punish you for carelessness to be removed from the game.
  18. rossmum

    Remove NVGs.

    NVG's just offer too large of an advantage. They have no drawbacks and offer a straight-up handicap to anyone not using them. No drawbacks? - Can't be used with a scoped weapon - Tunnel vision due to narrow monocular field of view - Absolutely useless the second someone throws a flare - Turning everything into shades of green can actually make it harder to spot other players in some instances I had NVGs once for a period of several hours. I used them for a total of less than two minutes' date=' to check a particularly black section of forest before moving into it. They are next to worthless if the moon is out. The only time I would say they are unbalanced is when it is pitch black, which is hardly all the time, and to that I would say that [b']this is not supposed to be a balanced game. NVGs are an exceedingly rare item and the people who have them either looted them from somewhere very dangerous or killed a well-equipped player and took them from the body. In either case, you have to be both very lucky and very careful to get your hands on them. While we're at it, why don't we all complain that military rifles be removed? Or hell, just remove every weapon that isn't the Makarov? They offer a massive advantage, are much easier to get, much more commonly encountered and not everyone has them. This is ridiculous.
  19. rossmum

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    I don't get this mindset. If you want to play co-op against zombies, play L4D. The first impression I got from this mod was "zombies are a problem, but I really hope I don't run into another player". That's how it should be. I dunno if you somehow expect a survival environment to override peoples' personalities or instinct to preserve their own tribe/family/clan/group over others', but trying to limit the prevalence of homicide in this mod is about the worst thing that could happen. Quit kidding yourselves that there are "FPS players" and then "normal players". If you want to get away from genuine CS kiddies, then walk five minutes inland. Congratulations, you're now safe from a tiny minority of the people who play the mod, so tiny they barely warrant mention. If they truly just want to kill things, I doubt they have the patience or skill required to survive long enough to leave the major cities. "Normal" players, on the other hand, do. They might want to carebear it up with you and anyone else who comes near them, they might be edgy and unwilling to trust other players and shoot those who approach them, or they might actively hunt down careless survivors for a challenge (and loot). I belong to the latter group. I have spent several ingame days carefully working my way around the map, selecting my equipment, picking when to let people go and when to hunt them down. It's fun, it's difficult as hell, and it's exactly what I would expect some people to do in a survival situation. I've made some exceptions so far. A guy saved me, so I helped him in turn. A new player found me and I wasn't sure I could shoot him before he could hit me, so we brokered an uneasy truce that led to me guiding him all the way across the map before we parted ways. Then there was a guy who ran into the same room as me, and since I was in a hurry to gear up and didn't really need conflict, I shot the conga line of zombies he'd brought rather than him. I wished I had afterwards, because he ran off and I almost died to said conga line. Basically, if you don't want PVP, join an empty server with your friends or just, oh I don't know, avoid other players. If you get shot by a player, you have clearly made a poor decision somewhere, because it's not like they just phase into existence behind you. If the PVP aspect of this game was infringed upon I would stop playing it, and I suspect a lot of others would too. All the fun, all the challenge, and all the comedy of this game comes from players' freedom to kill each other or help each other. Remove that, and it's a pretty bland crawling simulator.
  20. rossmum

    Severely reducing loot

    Most of the villages away from the coast have maybe 3-4 enterable buildings where loot spawns. Many do not even have that and I am fairly certain at least some have no loot at all. The reason you had so much gear so fast is because you were hanging around the two largest cities on the entire map, usually packed full of players, and therefore the most dangerous area to be. Head inland to find military-grade equipment, or to avoid encounters, and you will very rapidly find yourself starving and dehydrated because the last four villages you passed had absolutely nothing in them. The abundance of loot in the starting areas only barely makes up for the comparatively barren inland areas. If you don't gear up before moving north, you're likely to find yourself dead. Loot is fine as it is.