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About Sdzfsn

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    On the Coast
  1. Ive got dayz manually installed (tried six updater, didnt really like it) and launch it from the A2:CO beta shortcut when I want to play the mod. I wanted to play some normal arma 2/ OA the other day and after launching it through steam its all glitchy and wont let me play multiplayer; when I started up the map it was empty and I just fell through the world. -- How do you disable dayz so you can play the vanilla steam versions, step by step? -- once its good to play, which one do I actually launch through steam? arma 2, arma2:OA or combined operations? does combined ops let me play both arma 2 and OA singleplayer / MP? -- finally how do you switch the multiplayer filters between vanilla servers and dayz servers? Thanks!
  2. Just got the mod installed, not been able to test it yet as all the servers seem to be down but Ive got some questions, I could do with some help. I'm using A2:combined operations. 1- I installed the mod manually, when using the beta shortcut to play dayz it launches in windowed mode and resets my graphical settings to 'normal'. Never did this when I launched the vanilla game through steam, any suggestions? 2- As I installed manually, if I want to update is it only a case of re downloading and installing the beta files and the dayz files, nothing else? 3- how do I switch between playing dayz and arma2/OA vanilla? I read that you need to disable the mod if you want to play the vanilla game, how is this done? 4- VERY noob question not entirely related to dayz... but how do I switch between playing A2 vanilla SP/MP and A2:OA SP/MP? if its just a case of launching either one from steam then what is the combined operations option for? Any help would be great cheers