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Everything posted by Fearman

  1. Fearman

    How well geared are you?

    M107 (3 mags) M9 SD (5 mags) 2 blood packs / 3 morphines / 3 painkillers 2 water bottles / 4 cooked meat coyote pack NVGs
  2. I encounted a rather strange problem with the ghillie suit on 2012.VI.12. I found it in the store of Polana?, i put it on, played for 5 minutes then disconnected, but before disconnecting i switched back to the civilian clothing. When i reconnected i was in the place where i switched skins instead of being at the location where i disconnected. I was also losing blood, 3 units a second, as if i had caught an infection, but my temperature was 42 degrees celsius. I tried disconnecting with the ghillie suit and the civilian clothing equipped, but it didn't work, i was still in the place where i switched skins instead of the disconnect spot. Any support on this issue would be appreciated. Server was NY25 I have the version I was near Polana I was going westwards, trying to get to the airfield No bug or error preceded this problem
  3. Fearman

    Ghillie Suit/Infection Bug

    Thanks for the reply. If i recall correctly i was running out of Polana towards the west, being chased by zombies, and i was also bleeding. I paused to shoot them and then i bandaged up. Only after that i noticed my blood going down. So are you saying it might be because of the zombies attacking me and not the ghillie suit? Oh, and also my character is not coughing, which i know is a sign of infection. I will most certainly try and find some antibiotics to see if that fixes the problem.