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About Nicegamer101

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  1. Nicegamer101

    blood dont work

    The blood "didn't work"? Can you explain further what happened, preferably with pictures of the whole error message you got.
  2. Nicegamer101

    New server poll :)

    Thing is, I'm fine with custom buildings and stuff, but im not fine with ***SELFBLOODBAG-SPAWN WITH DMR-500 VEHICLES*** etc. So a few more buildings in the north is great in my opinion.
  3. Nicegamer101

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Rocket, just disable the comments on the devblog video. It's seriously a shitstorm in the commentsection at the moment. Can't believe how many kids are actually playing this game saying "OMG YOU SAID YOU WOULD RELEASE IT IN JUNE OMG FUCK YOU!!111" ._.
  4. Nicegamer101

    New melee suggestion with guns

    i would love IF dayz standalone used left 4 deads melee mechanics. running while slashing with hatches, and able to push back zombies with tour weaponweapon.
  5. Nicegamer101

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Looks great!
  6. Nicegamer101

    DayZ Screenshots!

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=95088873 ...There's a reason I play on private hives.
  7. Nicegamer101

    Have I done wrong?

    If he was a REAL survivor, he would've probably panicked and scream "FRIENDLY, FRIENDLY!" or something like that. If he doesen't say anything, it's his own fault.
  8. Nicegamer101

    Ever got shot a few seconds after logging in?

    I got shot BEFORE I even could see my screen... Luckely my friend was near and shot the guy that was trying to kill me. I was at 3000 blood after he shot me, but me friend did a bloodtransfusion on me :P
  9. Nicegamer101

    MAke it easier for new players

    Just so you know, the knife is not a weapon, it's a tool to get the meat out of dead animals. The players actually started witha handgun before, but it got removed. I think it had something that there were too much PvP around the spawnpoints. Some kind of meleewepon would be nice for some though. Edit: ninja'd...
  10. Nicegamer101

    I need your help.

    You're a whale on the coast? At least that's what it says above your avatar.
  11. Nicegamer101

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    Yeah, I hate when people kill you, even if you're friendly. But some people want gear so much, so they'll shoot on sight.
  12. Nicegamer101

    What type of Communication is most common?

    I use skype with my friends, and if I meet a stranger I usually talk to them over the mic or chat in-game.
  13. Nicegamer101

    What do youy do if you see a player

    If he's unarmed I'm willing to help/team up. I would NEVER give a gun to a stranger. If he's armed or that I can see he got good loot, I kill. I have been helping many people, but I never trust anyone.