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About Bovice

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  1. Been playing on the server for a couple days, runs smooth. Will a take clothes script be added anytime?
  2. Bovice

    Inventory vanishes (just like that)

    double post sorry
  3. Bovice

    Inventory vanishes (just like that)

    Not sure if my experience is the same as yours, but i found that if i had to flush artifacts and the flushing did not work if I exited the game after the failed flush my inventories would be wiped the same as yours. I just dont flush anymore and restart the game first. Hope this helps.
  4. Bovice

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    US 2136 4 days with no vehicles
  5. Bovice

    L85 AWS or M4A3 CCO

    L85 is great for spotting people but that is about it, in close quarters I prefer the m4 as the L85 has a slight zoom and always in either nv or thermal, both are also just as effective out to 300 m4 just abit harder to aim at that distance.