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Everything posted by elec

  1. It has nohting to do with the Hive version or the Serverside-Hotfix. The Topic says something like "Helis won't spawn with older versions", so it's definitely a bug. I have the same problem for 3 weeks now and many other servers too. 0.7.2 Hive installed but helis won't save (repairstate and position) and tents just save the items in the time only between the build of the tent and the next Serverrestart. After that you have a tent that won't going to be empty, because the items are reset after a serverrestart everytime. Same with vehicle inventory. So Vipeax, please just tell me this is a known bug and you going to be fix it? Maybe with 1.7.3?
  2. elec

    DE 641

    Today a bomb drop on top of our heli as we refuel it... (DE 1001) How the f* is that possible? Why there is no way to detect this kind of stupid hacks? Maybe just a line of code which says "if the way between attaking player and target >= 2000 meter: no kill possible with any dayz weapons" or something like that? I have seen videos where player just send some code through the admin login field ingame to hack items! It's just unbelievable there is no plausibility check. Anticheat tools like battleye or punkbuster just fuc* off the fair players and don't can't prevent even the simplest hacks... o.O
  3. Ok, but haven't you say that Helis only spawn with 0.7.2? Damn i knew it... My Gameserverhoster has told me 2 times they have 0.7.2 already installed but i knew it can't be... Ok now i call to him... (dumb gamed.de)
  4. @Suspenselol, how about tents gear and items in vehicles on your server? i also have the same heli save problem and gear in vehicles or tents is only saved as long the server is running... so wtf is going wrong?
  5. Hm... items still don't be saved in tents or vehicles... can someone tell me if they have the same problem or not?
  6. You have to go to the backside and try from the backrotor up to the sidedoor...
  7. Can someone please confirm that tents will now be able to save items correctly because our gameserver-hoster tell me they have installed the 0.7.2 hotfix correctly but we aren't able to save our items and also we can't find any heli :(
  8. @Vipeax Server: DayZ + 0.7.2 Hotfix; Beta 95417 Client: DayZ; Beta 95417 Saving Vehicle position: yes Saving Vehicle items: no Saving Tent position: yes Saving Tent items: no Camo + Guilli spawn: yes (Items are saved as long the server is running) Heli spawn: not at all! So what is the problem? Still trouble with the Hive? Is it just a question of time?
  9. elec

    Pending Update: Build

    * [NEW] Radar removed from helicopter (UH1H will be added back to vehicle spawns) you are my hero!!! also the rest of this update... im so happy now :D u made my fucking day!!!!
  10. elec

    Pending Update: Build

    I press F5 every 5 seconds and hope for that line: * [FIXED] UH-1H spawns deactivated (now Helis should spawn like in the good old days) better than christmas
  11. elec

    Pending Update: Build

    PLEASE bring the Helicopter back in the Game!!! Thats my personal target: Find a Heli, repair it and fly over the top of Chernogorsk :D anyway... I LOVE THE MOD AND NEW UPDATES!!!!