Server: De 1073 Time: 03:00-03:30 GMT/UTC +2 timezone (Central European Summer Time) (Thanks Serkheru) What happened: We were at NE Airfield, needed food so we went to the town, all of a sudden there is a gillie guy with a Mk48 Mod 0, my friend puts 5 enfield rounds in him, I empty an entire DMR mag into him. He kills my fiends then me. When i respawn in Elektro there is another gillie guy, this time with a M4 SD. I empty 6 makarov mags into him - nothing happens. He then bids us to follow him, and he leads us to a giant crate with every item available in the game in it. We each took a weapon to try to kill him, but even after 600 M240 rounds, he was still alive... I think he is called Hard Core Gamer, since that was the guy who bid us to follow, after we tried to engage him. I only have a SS of his last chat message, because this game is VERY hard to get a SS of, didnt work if i was in fullscreen mode. I will also attach SS's of the crate. After my friend killed us all, except for the hacker, with a grenade at the crate, I spawned in Balota. I hear someone shooting wildly with a Mk48, so i go towards the sould and this guy great me, out of pure annoyance and the fact that he looks exactly like the guy who killed us at NE airstrip, i say "Oh great, another cheater...", he then goes "what?!" and kills me. So in short, at least one cheat, maybe to, one of them is most likely called "Hard Core Gamer". /Chuper