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About xToxicFrostyx

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    guns,zombies,video games,and food

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    i dont plan to be a bandit but if it turns out to that then i wont have much of a choice will i its either hope thats friendly or kill anybody you see either way it just matters what happens first
  1. xToxicFrostyx


    i did i guess im not as good as seeing the topics as you o.O
  2. xToxicFrostyx


    i mean somthing more indepth not the stupid shit arma2 gives you
  3. xToxicFrostyx


    not sure if somthing like this has been suggested but i would like to see a customization feature in the stand alone because then it would make it easyer to find your friends and not everyone will be running around wearing the same stupid clothes or at least not the same face and hair XD so that somthing id realy like to see (i did ccheck around to see if its been suggested)
  4. xToxicFrostyx

    its raining, its pouring hacker attack x.x

    look up dayz its raining its pouring on youtube your bound to find a vid about it
  5. xToxicFrostyx

    its raining, its pouring hacker attack x.x

    he was hacking cause he kept hacking to get in front of me to chop me to bits with his axe so yea im pretty sure seeing he also played the song almost the whole time then he started playing chainsaw noises while chasing me through cherno
  6. I was just attacked by one of those hackers who run around playing its raining its pouring with the lil creepy girl singing and scared the shit out of meh.....why must they do that it's scary as hell when you have head phones on and its realy quiet when it just starts playing X.X
  7. xToxicFrostyx

    Military flashlight

  8. xToxicFrostyx

    Military flashlight

    possible saw it in a live stream
  9. xToxicFrostyx

    spray paint and auto save?

    I would love to see spray paint added so that players can write messages,warnings,or just be artistic plus in the fact you could paint your car and tents if wanted...Then theres the auto save feature which should be added to stop dupping which ruins the fun of scavenging all together i read one post that said auto save when stuff is taking out or put in which is a great idea
  10. xToxicFrostyx

    Few Suggestions

    i like all you ideas except 3 cause L85 AWS is the only gun that lets you and a friend take out those bastards who snipe new spawns at the beach counter sniping weapon for spotters :P
  11. xToxicFrostyx

    Shit/Piss System v1.1

    WTF DID I JUST READ....other than the shit atracting zombies its fucking brilliant
  12. xToxicFrostyx

    Suggestion for standalone/mod incl: Money,Kidnapping etc.

    spray paint wish i had some in game :P
  13. xToxicFrostyx

    Suggestion for standalone/mod incl: Money,Kidnapping etc.

    maybe beans could be the currency?
  14. xToxicFrostyx


    epic story...i use dayzdb (loot map) in my steam browser
  15. xToxicFrostyx

    PvP tips we all should know.

    well obviously you want everyone to run around shooting eachother then? -.- i understand if they open fire or you really need supplies but bandits should actaully rob the player instead of going guns blazing at every lil player that blinks and needless bloodshed ruins the fun