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Posts posted by ATwig

  1. I've played a couple day/night cycles and yes each night has been a different shade of dark and on my most recent one it was raining so I just camped outside of a town. I ended up watching someone sprint through it holding a flare and trailing about 40+ zombies. It was hilarious.

    As for a suggestion with the day/night thing: The physical in-game time is server based so if you pay for your own server hardware (Or pool together) you can just set up a server physically near you but set the time offset to be a couple or more hours behind you (Eg: If you are East Coast North America set the server time to reflect Hawaii or Russia so that sunset falls at like 0200 local time or something like that). I usually end up playing on California servers right when I get off work then switching to RU if the night gets too dark or poor weather sets in.

    Also if you do own your own server I do believe you have the option to have the in-game time pass more quickly than regular time however I believe that having a compressed 24 hour into 2 hour server would be no where near as fun. I personally enjoy the 1:1 ratio.

    Just my 0.02 (of whatever your local currency is :P )

  2. 1. Usually you can scroll wheel and click "Take Alice Pack" It sometimes deletes your old' date=' so put your things in the pack before taking it! If it doesn't show up, give it ten seconds because dropped packs have a time limit on when you can pick them up.

    1.5: It happens :V Sadly...

    2. Did you look into his pack instead of clicking Gear?

    3. Normally yes, sometimes the windows will be transparent and you can see the inside. This is not a guarantee though.

    4. Not that I know of, the only way to regain blood is by eating or a blood transfusion. (Cans give 200, cooked meat gives 800.)


    Thanks for the quick response!

    For 2: I did click on gear and his pack was the only thing I could look into. Maybe it was just a quirk. I have yet to come across another body but I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything correctly in case I happen upon a more well off corpse than I.

  3. Hey guys!

    Over the weekend my friend showed me this mod and yesterday I decided to try it. I LOVE IT!

    But I have a couple questions that I for the life of me could not figure out:

    1: I came across an ALICE pack (Subsequently shrieked like a giddy schoolgirl) but then for the life of me could not figure out how to pick it up... So how does one pick up a new pack.

    (1.5) During the process of trying to figure out 1 I dropped my starter pack (Thinking that I could now pick up the ALICE pack) and now have no pack due to my inability to pick them up... :(

    2: I came across a recently deceased player (watched him get ripped apart by zombies) and when I went to mourn his loss/ransack everything useful I was only able to access his pack and could not see the items on his person (Eg: His pistol and his food/canteen)

    3: Is there an easy way to identify which buildings I can search through without having to check the doors? (Or is this just something I'll pick up with time)

    4: Does "blood" (hp?) increase over time up to the starting max? (I took a couple hits and am around 8,900)

