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About Lorenzo_VI

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  1. I bear no grudge, if a guy dropped at my feet with that gear, I don't think I would have even hesitated.
  2. So I'd managed to get myself some nice gear through some friendly play and bartering. This lead me to ofc go look to be an arsehole. I took my m14 aim, rangefinders, mp5sd6, nvgs and lots of other stuff for a whirl on top of the tallest factory building in chernogorsk. My reasoning was I am an appalling shot with the M14 AIM (which is basically my ideal gun) when it matters so I was going to do some 'target practice'. It wasn't long until the first player came by, I took my aim but failed to make the shot count. He started running and got into cover and escaped. Not a great start. Another survivor who had just started (and trust me I feel bad when i found out what gear he had later on) came to the firestation. This time my shot rang true and struck him hard. He had enough time to dive to the ground but my following shot ended his life. This was my first planned murder and the adrenaline was pumping. Attracted by the shots another player approached from the west. I aimed and struck him in the torso, but at 300m this was not enough to bring him down. He managed to make it inside a smaller industrial building, made it to the roof and just as he popped out, I took my shot. It was a near miss, he was prone and it hit just above his head. He backed into the corner but with a clear view of his exit he was effectively trapped. I faked panic pistol shooting, as if I was fighting off zombie and he popped his head out to try and pay me back. My aim was perfect and his head took the bullet. A good kill. At this point the adrenaline was pumping but there were a lot of zombies waiting at the bottom of this building for me. I made my way down, planning to get rid of the zombies with my mp5sd6 silently. I was doing well with most of the zombies cleared, so I ran down the last flight of stairs. They really need to put railings up on these as I came off them a little early and fell around 2-3 feet. I lost 1500 blood, passed out and was bleeding. I was confident that I would be fine though. I woke up looking at a player with a makarov who as soon as i moved but several bullets into my face. Good bye the best gear I had ever had :P we had some fun times, I suppose I will see you in hell... Tl,dr version : I tried my hand at being an ass hat bandit, karma punished me hard :P
  3. I'm sorry I could not avenge your death, your killer disconnected when zombies trapped him and as I advanced. I left the building with all of the loot taken from the player you saved me from. I do not know who you are, but we had fun :) And I wish you all the best!
  4. Lorenzo_VI


    Not entirely possible in this situation as i was prone and he was standing about 0.5 metres away. A reaction shot makes it hard to pull up that far and shoot in head. I assumed 6 bullets from even the weakest submachine gun in the torso would at least cause a pass out.
  5. Lorenzo_VI


    I doubt I missed as he was standing on top of me :P But ye i realise accuracy on full auto is awful but indoors i can rely not to miss from half a metre away :)
  6. Lorenzo_VI


    I really want to like it but everytime it comes to pvp I might as well just have used a makarov. This guin is unbelievably low power. I was in the nw airfield firestation, looting when i heard gunshots. I hit the floor and wait. Soon enough I hear footsteps on the the stairs. A player with a ghillie arrives on the same floor, I open fire at full auto. I know I hit his lower torso 6 times as i was recording and there were 6 individual blood splatters. He then still standing shoots me with his l1 and I die. I say grats to the player in side chat and asked how much health he lost. Turns out he lost around 4k blood. This isnt the first time a player has brushed off this gun. The one time i did kill someone with the gun it took 15 bullets at point blank, which caused him to leg it only to pass out half way down the street. It feels like while the mp5sd6 shouldn't be a powerful gun, it should have a bit more punch. 6 shots at point blank range isnt something that can be brushed off. Needless to say I will not be using it much more :P
  7. Lorenzo_VI

    Animals as followers/companions

    Cats are arseholes, they won't help you :P
  8. Lorenzo_VI

    4 Bandits and a Satchel ;)

    And this video confirms all my fears of 3rd person view allowed servers...
  9. Lorenzo_VI

    Can vehicles just disappear for days?

    Polka is that possible after 4 days? I mean the server should restart every 6 hours or so no? Fraggle, we had one run over tent but that was there previously (and was still there after the second disappearance), the rest have just disappeared.
  10. So me and my friends managed to get hold of some vehicles on a quieter server. We brought them to a hiding place that was suitable enough. The next day we log in and they are gone. This seems quite strange as the hiding place is well out of the way of anything, in a forest and also that a server crash had happened just after we finished up on the server. We finished at about 2 am and when relogging in at midday the server was down. We then managed to log into the server at 4ish and the vehicles were gone. We assumed they had been found and taken elsewhere. Yet later that week, about 4 days after said events they just reappeared in the place we had left them, in the positions we had left them, with the gear we had left them. Yay we thought! We had some fun with them for 2 days, found a new hiding place. I logged in on the third day to find no vehicles, no tents (we had set up 3) and a burnt out motorcycle in the position we had actually left the motorcycle. Again, it can't have been more than 16 hours since we had left them and the tents. 5 hours of this time was pitch black and also the time irl was dead of night. There cannot have been more than 4 people on the server at one time for the time. This second disappearance occurred a week after the first, and what confuses me is that the tents were all gone as well. Just vanished. Basically do we know of any disappearing acts that vehicles pull for 3-4 days at a time. It is entirely possible someone stumbled across our camp with nvgs in the middle of nowhere, but to move all that gear they must have needed about 5 people or worked on it all night. Even then is it possible to remove tents entirely? I've tried and I cant get it to work :P I have my suspicions it is a bug but want to be sure
  11. Lorenzo_VI

    Two sets of NVGs

    I tip my hat to you sir for your bravery. Though I am not a lowly unequipped player anymore, I can appreciate your actions having been one for a large portion of my time on this game :P Be the Hero that Chernarus deserves, but not the one it needs right now
  12. Lorenzo_VI

    Either better Sidearms or better Hitboxes

    Zombies are not really a major threat as it is. I am not calling for them to be upped in danger value, but for a survival game in a zombie apocalypse I rarely am too worried by zombies. I use a glock for zombie takedowns and have no issue headshotting the infected. It is just knowing to run round a corner, through trees or into a building so they slow down in their buggy nature :/
  13. Lorenzo_VI

    Better ways to lose aggro

    You can pretty easily sprint through cherno and do a good amount of looting at the key places. However if you do so you are gonna have one hell of an impressive tail of zombies moving to each building you go to making you nice and easy for that quiet guy in the cafe to kill you (or save you I suppose but no one ever saves me :( )
  14. Lorenzo_VI


    Too true, but it would be quite fun tracking down a victim, stealing his stuff and then running off. I just realised I said that mugging would be fun :/
  15. The ATV sounds nice but we are unlikely to have anything to pay you with (unless you count gratitude and some sardines as payment) :P I realise that finding vehicles is extremely difficult :) But we've done the exploring, tried our hand at banditry (well we tried but we let all the people who had nothing good on them go), been to some hotspots and now we feel like finding a vehicle is the next logical step!