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About nihilbilly

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. nihilbilly

    Ever feel guilty (firstkill)

    My first kill happened earlier today in the southern Berezino supermarket. I was in the front of the store stocking up on some supplies and listening to the rain when i heard some quick footsteps from behind me. I spun around just in time to see a hatchet wielding survivor take a swing at me. I quickly darted toward the front doors to put some distance between us, swung around and emptied the clip of my 1911 into him. I quickly bandaged/morphined myself and looted the only thing of worth on his corpse (.45 ammo). I'm just grateful that he didn't bother to loot a gun on his way north, i never would have saw it coming. So no sympathy for him and no sympathy for anyone i happen to see and kill from now on. DayZ is kill or be killed it seems. So be it.
  2. nihilbilly

    Six Launcher Server name confusion

    oh and DM probably means death messages. i have no clue what SC could mean though.
  3. nihilbilly

    Six Launcher Server name confusion

    probably nametags/nameplates.