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Everything posted by Mallissin

  1. Mallissin

    Food Variety

    More food wound be nice just for variety's sake. And you know what I think would be really funny? On character creation, give each player a random food allergy. You're in a hurry for blood, eating everything to can find and avoiding zombies all around you. Suddenly you're on the ground in shock from eating that Snickers bar you found in that shed thirty minutes ago, and you don't know why. Then you suddenly realize you have a peanut allergy and hurry to use your adrenaline (Epi-pen) to stop the reaction.
  2. I disagree with your assumption. I think the opposite will happen, I believe a system like proposed would create a sort of player "tide". Imagine a major city is cleared by a group of players cooperating. The lack of zombies in the region would make PvP combat a lot easier, more profitable since their targets have just looted a city and more challenging since they most likely have worthwhile weapons. When this happens, the region becomes more dangerous again (from the PvP and such) and the zombies begin to return in a huge horde. The friendlies would most likely go elsewhere when the tide turns against them and the cycle repeats itself elsewhere. To make the process more obvious, maybe something built into the game notifies everyone on the server when big changes happen to a region. Perhaps an automated radio message or something.
  3. I like the idea and wish to contribute. A few points to make sure to consider: 1. Humanity loss by murder damage (friendly fire) should be reversed by bloodpacks but not food, such that accidental events can be voided with cooperation and griefers don't intentionally hurt each other (and then heal each other) to increase the number of zombies in a region. 2. Environment damage should not be included in any humanity calculations, including healing or people can intentionally hurt themselves by falling and such then healing to reverse humanity loss in a region. 3. Loot quality and quantity should increase with zombie increase to give players incentive to go into dangerous regions. 4. Eating or making food in a region should decrease humanity (increase number of zombies), enough that eating a lot to regenerate health after a large amount of bloodloss is very risky. One can assume that Zombies are drawn to the smell of food. This will also drive people to cooperate with the use of bloodpacks.
  4. Mallissin

    Fix for the artifacting.

    You don't need nfopad. Just use notepad.
  5. Mallissin

    Bring back the respawn button

    Disabling the respawn button but allowing a respawn if legs are broken pretty much negate the button being turned off. If someone wants to respawn to another spot, they can just jump off something to break their legs and then hit the respawn button.
  6. Try changing the scenery complexity variable, might help with the FPS in towns (and also fixes barb wire glitch): http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49118-fix-for-the-1724-artifacting/
  7. Mallissin

    Low FPS rate

    Try turning down the scene complexity variable. My FPS shot up (and the barbwire problem went away) when I made the change. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49118-fix-for-the-1724-artifacting/
  8. Mallissin

    Problem with artifacts

    You can fix this by changing a setting in a text file described here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49118-fix-for-the-1724-artifacting/ You can use notepad to do it.
  9. I like the quiver as a secondary idea, but what about letting the player make wooden bolts? They could do less damage than salvaged bolts, but an easy supply if you have a hatchet and hunting knife.
  10. Mallissin

    Zombies are getting annoying.

    But...but, what would we do with the Z?
  11. Mallissin


    This should fix your video glitching issue: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49118-fix-for-the-1724-artifacting/
  12. This tweak fixed the barbwire issue for me. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49118-fix-for-the-1724-artifacting/
  13. Mallissin

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    I know you can't do this if you're teleported out into the tundra, but does the respawn block even help? If you want to respawn, all you have to do is break your legs. That means climbing and jumping. Only slows people down by a few minutes.
  14. Mallissin


    Yo! So, here's an idea. How about not smearing the bloodied guts of an infected person all over yourself. You might get infected or something. As far as your idea, how about just having an item that does what you ask instead. Like a can of Axe or something. Rocket could make some money on the in-game market placement.
  15. Mallissin

    Zombies only spawn once, taking over towns!

    I think prolonged gunfire should make zombies spawn faster, so as you're trying to clear a town if you don't do it right it would be a never ending quest and the bigger cities have a harder respawn curve (either literally in the code or because of the size of the area for the zombies to spawn). But if you do to it right and do in fact clear a town or city, the zombies should always pose a threat in some way that can be managed somehow.
  16. Mallissin

    Server maturation / lifecycle

    I think realistically you'd have a bell curve of zombies based on the day. So, day 0 servers would have few zombies, tons of simple loot everywhere (common weapons) and perhaps even friendly NPCs that patrolled or held certain locations in the big cities. Day 30 servers would have tons of zombies (as they come out of the wilderness or start to migrate to find food) but better weapons would be around from the military presence but barely any friendly NPCs. Day 90 servers would have few zombies (they are running out of food too), but little loot and no friendlies at all. Day 365 servers would have only hatchets and empty cans everywhere, no zombies, and everyone is REQUIRED to run around spouting crazy gibberish nonsense or a teeth-clenching, saliva seething growl.
  17. It can still break legs if you try to run through it, but having the slowing and blood damage makes them more managable, especially with griefers. Bandages and beans are plentiful. If each slow walk through a single row of barb needed 2 bandages and 2000 blood (and the threat of being caught there not only walking but slowed), it would still make people stop and think but wouldn't be an impossible hinderance. Would also be nice to be able to use barb between trees at different set heights (straight, not curled), so you can set it high to do tons of head damage to people running, medium height to damage runners/sneakers (more to runners of course, or require people to go prone under), and low height to break the legs of runners (and be almost impossible to see while running). That is, once the glitching is fixed.
  18. Mallissin

    Zombies only spawn once, taking over towns!

    Only if a random zombie raid outside town happened ever so often to challenge the position.
  19. Mallissin

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    I think this can be taken a step forward and not just do farming, but also have items for hunting. For instance, find a duck decoy that you can plant in the water and it causes a duck flock to appear of random size. You shoot them for food with hunting knife. (Dangerous since people can hear the gun fire) Salt lick for deer. Fishing plumb + hook (from paper clips) + fishing line (which can be used for other item combos, like IEDs) Improvised traps Random spawning of vegetable gardens in small towns, to each or use in item combos.
  20. Barbwire doesn't stop zombies, only players. It's been used mostly by griefers from what I've seen. And I agree with OP, needs to be disabled until the graphic glitch is fixed. As an aside, I think players (and zombies) should be able to walk through barbwire, but it does damage from the player that set it (for good or worse for that player's repuation) and slows the player/zombie down by a third (ontop of the fact you can only walk through it, that can be pretty slow). So, you could use it to hunt (setup barbwire trap and lure a horde through it) or players could use several rows of it to make it impossible to reach places (three barb wires in a row would reduce speed to a really frustrating speed or one or two barbwires on a steep hill would make the hill impossible to climb).
  21. I saw this message when logging into two servers today and had tons of troubles, including inventory disappear and broken legs for no reason. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44304-disappearing-loot-broken-legs-voodoo-magic/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44391-my-survivor-was-turned-into-the-rocket/ I think someone has figured out a way to hack the central servers.
  22. Mallissin

    disappearing loot? broken legs? VOODOO MAGIC!?

    This same exact thing happened to me a few minutes ago. I was on a Quebec server, prone on the second floor of a barn waiting for a respawn before moving out. All of a sudden around 20 people died on the server, my screen got jostled (shook up and down) and then my legs broke. I also noticed my bare hands, so I checked inventory to see where my hatchet went and it was gone along with most of my inventory. I tried logging out and logging into another server, found my inventory intact on the new server but legs still broken. And I don't have morphine, so I'm really screwed.