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Posts posted by paronity

  1. On our server, the loading time seem to be directly related to how long the server has been running and how many people are active on. On fresh server restart - it's snappy, until several people join and play for a while (screams memory leak).

    We try to restart our server as soon as we notice loadingt times are in the 10 minute range.

  2. Anyone else having the problem were you cant get past the waiting for host screen?

    does it happen to every server for you? If not, it is most likely a server issue.

    If it happens to most servers, your client is most like.ly to blame. Make sure you are up to date.

  3. I like the idea of needing to power certain things and keep track of the batteries. It adds a unique need to find more items that are currently taken for granted.

    Generator could be cool as well, make it make noise and have a negative side to using it as well.

  4. Yea, the first one is normal.

    The second one looks like it is taking every object that is not an animal and hitting their leg with 1 damage (which means destroy completely), which I am assuming would attempt to break their leg. Looks like there is more to that script....can you post what it is/was?

    • Like 1

  5. There is more than one log to read when reviewing the logs for DayZ and it's not always an easy task. It really depends on what you are trying to figure out.

    In the end, there is no easy way to see "Person X found Item A" or "Person X killed Person Y" as in most servers (CoD, BF3, ect...). There are logs that you can determine some of this stuff but there are fairly cryptic and not in plain sentences.

    Can you be a little more specific of what you are looking for?

  6. Same way you know your hunger or thirst is too high.

    This is here for that purpose, sure, but the icon is less than perfect and not very easy to know how close you are to being too cold. I don't mind not having the number, but the icon needs to be more precise/reactive.

    • Like 1

  7. I am fairly certain that it is 53 total items, of any type. I had personal experience trying to put a magazine into a tent that evidently was full at 53. The magazine was eaten.

    I always thought it was certain number of guns and/or packs and THEN a certain number of items. I thought the guns and packs were treated differently by storage objects (vehicles, tents, ect...).

  8. Hey all server admins. I wrote a real small tool to help in researching bullshit players and possible hackers. I thought I would post it here just in case anyone else might find it useful. It's very small and extremely simple to use.

    On your first launch, it will aks you to select where your RPT file is stored. It will save it for future runs. You will then see a screen that looks like this on top:


    Simply put in the players name you are trying to research and click Analyze and it will put their actions in order and remove everything else for you to make reviewing them a little simpler. It also find their playerNumber and searches for lines by name and ID to make it more thorough.


    Lastly, you can click the save button to save the results to a text file for sharing or further review later.

    Again, nothing spectacular, but it has made our lives a bit simpler. Let me know if you find any issues or would like to see it do a little more or have any more options. We are in this admining game together and need all the help we can get.

    Download: http://img.paronity.com/IYYe

    Contact me on steam: Paronity


    • Like 8

  9. Ahhhhhh yes, and then the hacks stop and the admin abuse really begins.

    This is a bad idea.

    You can not and will not prevent admin abuse. It's a part of PC gaming. Get over it.

    The bottom line being a kill log needs to be there to find hackers. They still can prevent/hate the fact of us using kill/ban on our own, but they should still let us know who did it. What is the harm in that? It would be a hell of a lot easier to figure out if someone was legit or not. For example, if someone kills 6 people in 10 seconds with an AS50, probably full of shit.

    Even an explanation or logging of the RPT and what all can be logged in there would be helpful to help those coders among us to help write tools to report hackers to the DayZ guys. They are making this a hacker friendly environment because we can't do anything about it.

    • Like 1

  10. More than once a day?

    Restarting them once or twice a day is normal (hell - up to 6 hours is normal) due to the less-than-awesome performance that the BETA provides. It's just something that needs to be done.
