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Posts posted by paronity

  1. Hey all. It is something that is still in the works, but has been slightly delayed due to issues IRL, as well as with my RCON tool. Furthermore, with the stand-alone coming soon, i'm not 100% sure developing something now is the most intelligent thing to do. Might be better to wait until that is released.

  2. Since you came in to ask for the removal, I will give you the benfit of the doubt and say that this was a server glitch.

    If you are legit, and not cheating, apologies for the ban. We just don't take any chances, and when someone spawns something, they get banned, since no matter what it is, they usually start small and then go big.

    Thanks for the post. Ban has been lifted.

  3. From the RPT File:

    19:05:00 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER BattlEye B 1-3-D:1 (BattlEye) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    Which means he was killed in a spawned vehicle/entrance method...

    "//Check for hackers" \n
    " {" \n
    " if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in dayz_serverObjectMonitor)) then {" \n
    " diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
    " (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
    " _x setDamage 1;" \n
    " };" \n
    " } forEach allUnits;" \n
    "" \n

    Current Name: BattlEye

    DayZ ID: 64010886

    ArmA GUID: 04c6e165b0f4e1c4f0369aeb8e6d5f65

    Banned on our server.

    P.S: Thanks for reporting!

    • Like 2

  4. Is it not just possibly to remove the items that are not supposed to be in the game directly? Or possibly stop them from being on the corpse upon player death. Then they would not be able to transfer to other people.

    I don't believe this is possible without running scripts, which could then be detected as hacks. I think the best thing to do is to look for un welcomed weapons and alert a play that it is not valid and they should drop it to avoid being removed from the server.

    There are still a lot of fine details that I am not sure of yet. I don't know exactly how I am going to handle some of the functionality just yet, but I know everything I listed in the OP is possible. I am always willing to listen be open to pepopel that have more experience with the ArmA II server engine. I have loads of experience with CoD and Battlefield, but this is new to me.

    • Like 1

  5. Paronity How long will we have to wait for your tool?

    I shuold have something running in a week or two. Wont be pretty or awesome yet, but will be functional.

    I am doing it in parallel with Paronicon 2, so it doesn't get all of my spare time. I will keep this post updated and check items off as I get them complete. Will get a BEAT out as soon as I can.

    • Like 4

  6. In all seriousness. Try playing on 95389 servers instead of 95417 if that's what you're doing. They load much quicker.

    I'm not sure this is entirely accurate either though. We are on 95417 and our load times are good once the server is started (in and playing within 30 seconds). Over time they get worse and after about 5 hours of being live, it takes about 2 minutes. Still not terrible, but not too bad. I think it's just the servers. It's hit or miss on how they are configured and when they have been rebooted.

  7. just checked out the paronicon link, downloaded in chrome and got a message to be aware of this file as said site is know to be a phishing and malware site!?

    That is odd. Not sure why it would be doing that. Several things though.

    1.) Paronicon is NOT the tool that will be used to manage the DayZ servers. It is for CoD games only.

    2.) The file is hosted through S3, so I have absolutely no idea why chrome would throw a flag for that.

    3.) I do not get this error on any computer I try, as well as a couple of my close friends.

    4.) This really isn't the best place for that topic. If you want more help to prove it's legit, you should move that conversation to the GSN Forums.


  8. Also, 0xC00000005 is a common error. It means that a piece of software/driver tried to access memory that is not in it's addressable space. It is usually cause by

    1.) Run out of RAM

    2.) Bad RAM

    3.) Bug in software/driver.

    You can go further to debug something like this, but you are talking about using WinDBG - which would entail the installation of the Windows SDK. It would be a long drawn out process and you are still not guaranteed to get anywhere since you don't have the debug symbols and the stack traces would be useless to someone that doesn't have the code.

    I would recommend wiping everything related to the sound card/direct x and try them again. Also, just for fun, try disabling all sound related hardware in the device manager and play the game without sound at all. See if that yields any different results.

  9. It just crashes when I hit analyze. "Unhandled Exception" Anyone having this issue or know of a fix?

    Look in the event viewer for an error from the .NET 4.0 Framework and post the stack trace here. Did you set the RPT path correctly, and does the user running the tool have read access to the file/location? There is very little error handling in there since it's such a simple application.


    This is interesting.

    Hmmmm.... Most likely because it has the ability to save files to the disk. Virus programs look for known signatures, hooks, or algorithms to determine whether something is legit or not. I can guarantee you that if you submit that report to them for review - they will mark it as clean.

    Either way, if you don't trust it, don't use it. I'm not making you. :)

    Furthermore, I have a reputation to uphold with the tools that are available to the public in other parts of the gaming community, it would be stupid of me to release a malicious tool.....just sayin.

    EDIT: It occurs to me that error might be coming from chrome, is that correct? If so, chrome uses URL's to determine if something could be malicious based on user reports in which case, since I uploaded it to a cloud sharing app, it's going to be listed as potentially unwanted since I can guarantee you someone has uploaded a virus using it...

  10. I will definitely be working still. It will be interesting to see what is ahead for the rpt.

    Not my first time building an rcon tool so i've got a lot if the API/GUI/Parsing/Multiserver stuff done. Just need to extend the parser class for dayz.

    • Like 7