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Everything posted by paronity

  1. paronity

    Searching for help on crashing

    Anything writing to windows event viewer? Any driver crashes to go along with it? Latest video drivers?
  2. paronity

    Contact from Battle Eye - Doesn't mean much though.

    LOL - They are just shoveling shit straight down your throat......
  3. I can't see it: http://img.paronity.com/IVL9 What are all of your video settings?
  4. paronity

    Question: Cannot find the asnwer

    Welcome to the debug forest. It's a known issue and you just have to deal with it until it's fixed.
  5. paronity

    Script kiddies on DE 513

    Sorry to hear that, but that one of the more humorous scripts I've heard about so far..... Ugh - hackers everywhere
  6. paronity


    Land on someone or some other object and it will prevent you from dying. It's still risky as you can miss, but it would be the best option I think.
  7. paronity

    Moving DayZ to SSD

    What version of windows? To be easy, you could just create a symbolic link (windows calls them junctions) from the game folder(s) to where they are. This is what I do. I have a 256GB OS drive that is an SSD but I have over 500 gigs of games installed as I just symbolically link the game I used less to the slower drives. 1.) Copy the arma 2 and arma 2 oa folder from the steam apps folder. 2.) In a cmd prompt in the common folder type mklink /J "arma 2" "<path to where you moved arma 2 files to>" 3.) In a cmd prompt in the common folder type mklink /J "arma 2 operation arrowhead" "<path to where you moved arma 2 oa files>" No you will see folder with shortcut icons on them. As far as steam and the OS are concerned those folder ARE on the same drive, but they are physically stored on the SSD. Let me know if you have any questions.
  8. paronity

    Why Alpha testing is pointless at the moment.

    They do seem to be doing things a little backwards. I mean alphas should be internal testing only, where as betas are where you invite external (public) people in.
  9. Would be a little easier to help if you actually put what your settings were currently on....
  10. paronity

    Don't think this is supposed to be here !

    Push that shit to the coast.....shouldn't take more than a couple hours..... :D
  11. I think there might be some issue with the whole time thing. We run a server and sometimes when I join it will be a different time of day then the same day previously. So even if the time is right on the server listing, you could still not get the time you are thinking you will.
  12. paronity

    Does Anyone Actually Like...

    When the moon is out and not obscured by clouds, you can actually see rather well. I actually like playing at night a decent amount. It has benefits and cons just like playing in the day does.
  13. This is what I have been using as well. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  14. Yea - It's like they sit there and figure out what they can do to make it even easier to hack this game.....
  15. paronity

    Server Hoppers

    I look for the snipers, kill them - then go into the tents.
  16. You both make valid points, but while the holes get patched quickly. The holes they are patching are much larger in BE than in any other system. The TTL on those updates can be longer because they aren't as severe. The holes that keep getting fixed by BE should have been fixed to begin with and that is my frustration towards it. I think they are quick to respond and make quick updates, but the things they are fixing should never have been "broken". Simple QA would have gotten most of these fixes detected....
  17. paronity

    Add Bears to forests

    I like this idea. Was going to post it but it's already here.... :D I would expand onto it and say add several animal types that are hostile. Bears, Wolves, ect... You could then use some of the fur or something to create new outfits/coats (that could potentially keep you warm?).
  18. Yea - this is what I did. Just wrote a timer to call players every X seconds and update a variable. Then I just call the variable from my server class to get the list as needed. P.S - Thanks for the library. Was writing my own, saved me a little bit of time.
  19. I think the reason most people kill is to get the loot from the players and the fear that they might be killed if they don't kill first. Not to mention the phrase "Trust no one" is heavily found through the forums, and server a like. I think it is just a mentality that has been formed and it will be very hard to get people to deviate from it.
  20. paronity

    Two dudes looking for a clan

    We are a mature 18+ clan that is always looking for more people to play with. Always welcome to check us out: http://gsngaming.com/
  21. paronity

    Batteries for equipment...

    I don't follow thie post at all. Sure, alternators charge the battery, but how do you start the engine? With the power from the battery.....
  22. It uses TCP to communicate to the Hive seeing as that is MySQL.
  23. paronity

    BattlEye not responding... again.

    Steam game or retail? If steam, have you had it validate all files and/or start from scratch?
  24. paronity

    Zombie AI/Sensing

    They have gotten more easily aggro-able, however, I don't mind it. It just menas my kill count has gone from 110 to 268 in one day....
  25. Yeah - most FPS games or anything like this uses UDP so that broadcasting to multiple sockets is easier.