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Everything posted by paronity

  1. Look in the event viewer for an error from the .NET 4.0 Framework and post the stack trace here. Did you set the RPT path correctly, and does the user running the tool have read access to the file/location? There is very little error handling in there since it's such a simple application. Hmmmm.... Most likely because it has the ability to save files to the disk. Virus programs look for known signatures, hooks, or algorithms to determine whether something is legit or not. I can guarantee you that if you submit that report to them for review - they will mark it as clean. Either way, if you don't trust it, don't use it. I'm not making you. :) Furthermore, I have a reputation to uphold with the tools that are available to the public in other parts of the gaming community, it would be stupid of me to release a malicious tool.....just sayin. EDIT: It occurs to me that error might be coming from chrome, is that correct? If so, chrome uses URL's to determine if something could be malicious based on user reports in which case, since I uploaded it to a cloud sharing app, it's going to be listed as potentially unwanted since I can guarantee you someone has uploaded a virus using it...
  2. paronity

    New RCON Tool

    I will definitely be working still. It will be interesting to see what is ahead for the rpt. Not my first time building an rcon tool so i've got a lot if the API/GUI/Parsing/Multiserver stuff done. Just need to extend the parser class for dayz.
  3. paronity

    New RCON Tool

    This would be extremely easy to implement. I'l add it to the list above. If there is anything else tha toyu think a great tool should have, let me know. I will get working on this.
  4. paronity

    New RCON Tool

    All of these options are configurable and enablable by the server. They can also choose whether that is a kick or a ban. This way you can kick someone - they will see why - and then they can get back in.
  5. Awesome. I am working on one in C# right now as well. It's nice to see so many people trying to make these servers manageable. I built this one to have a web api as well. I'll test this out for though if you want. The more tools we have, the better off we will be. I didn't use BEC in mine though, I wrote my own RCON wrapper using teh dll that is floating around here. http://img.paronity.com/IW3Y We can kick, ban, and message from the web as well as trigger restarts, modify the auto-restart configs and such as well. Let me know if you need any other help figuring it out. What are you writing it in?
  6. I'll reply here as well as to your PM: Not sure what you mean. The tool was smiply used to organize the lines in the log. How exactly does it need more work? It's not intended as an RCON tool. What I wrote for that is not public yet. What kinds of things are you looking for it to do exactly?
  7. I tweaked and I have an issue where some people are getting signature check timeout now that weren't right before I made all of these changes. Any idea which settings would be causing the sig check packets to get dropped/timeout? It's weird. It doesn't happen to everyone, or even a lot of people, but at least 5 people in my clan can no longer play on it. Not sure which options would be making that time out though. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
  8. Size of the monitor doesn't matter. Only the resolution in which it will be running at. (1920x1080, ect....). LOL @ Cinnabuns.....rage much?
  9. paronity


    LOL....that's great!
  10. Sometimes. It depends on if you want that specific case or if you really don't care and would take any case. If it is more expensive, it's worth it though. I can't count how many customers I get that bring their "awesome custom computer" in to me to get fixed and it blew a motherboard because the crappy CPU sent a surge down the rail. It's just not worth the risk IMO.
  11. I didn't say it was underpowered. I said they suck, quality wise.
  12. There are several parts that I would personally not buy, but I will leave those decisions up to you. The one thing I would definitely like to point out though, is that all PSU's that come in cases, suck. Do yourself a favor and buy a separate PSU....
  13. paronity

    11th Intelligence clan recruiting1

    That's cute.....I can get that in 10 seconds.
  14. paronity

    11th Intelligence clan recruiting1

    LOL - Was going to post that as well. Stop spamming your fucking clan. No one gives a damn.
  15. paronity

    Any camps near NW Airfield I can raid?

    We have several camp sites on many servers. Just keep checking the top of devil's castle.....a lot of people camp there....
  16. paronity


    Airfield and crash sites are the only places I have found them at all. Probably on the right track. They are pretty rare too. A lot of people are probably just duplicating them once someone in their group finds them.
  17. paronity


    While it may seem like a stupid question, it's not. Many forums have a button for it: http://img.paronity.com/IVUK In here though, just make a post that says "bump" or something like that. It will bump it back to the most recent.
  18. It's not an issue with DayZ commander per se...It's an issue with GameSpy server lookup which is what is being used. It takes no regard to anything else on your computer or anything in your network that could be on the internet and does not throttle the requests at all. The latest release uses throttling to help alleviate some of this strain.
  19. paronity

    New reliable server (us 1422)

    Reliable DayZ server is a false statement.... :D
  20. Thanks for your opinion and detailed explanation of why you feel that way. :thumbsup: Public in game announcements should NOT be enabled. I do not think that is the way to go. I DO think however that they should be logged in the servber log or somewhere else on the server for admins to be able to review later to see if someone is hacking. Before someone says "Yea - then the admin can kick/ban because they got killed", this can already happen. Deal with it. Admin ab use is going to happen no matter what game, and no matter how you try to stop it.
  21. Case closed. Their website sucks. This topic can be closed..... :rolleyes:
  22. paronity

    Contact from Battle Eye - Doesn't mean much though.

    Again, as in another post you made, I agree with you that they are making great progress and are doing so at a rapid pace. The bottom line is the issues they are seeing and the problems they are facing SHOULD NEVER HAVE MADE IT PUBLIC. These are not advanced injection modules, or assembly level attacks. These are stupid script kiddie hacks. If they can't prevent those, what can they prevent? I don't see why every post about "I think this sucks", or "this doesn't work correctly" turns into a rage fest of people screaming at each other and calling them stupid. As intelligent as you seem to be on the topic, your condescension makes all that moot when I read your comments. The hacks that are in those other games are far less common and much more advanced than what is currently able to get around BE. I can't get on aqny server for more than a couple hours without seeing some kind of hack occur. And that my friend, is what makes it ridiculous. I don't agree 100% sending them an e-mail like that, but they should have PR people to answer those kinds of e-mails to do it better than what they did. The reply was total shit and that is all my comment was put towards.
  23. paronity

    Respawn button

    To prevent people from repeatedly spawning until they got a spawn that they wanted. Simple as that.
  24. The hackers are a major pain in the ass. I am a server admin and have to deal with them, but I would in no way say that it is unplayable due to it.