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Everything posted by SuperBenMan1

  1. SuperBenMan1

    Weapon nerfs? I dont see it..

    i noticed the same thing as op. I then realized that i apparently wasn't updated automatically to 1.62 like i thought. Despite this, i still was able to join servers as usual and one shot zombies without the update. I installed the update manually and now it is taking more than one shot to kill 'em.
  2. SuperBenMan1

    us186 banned no reason

    This seems to have happened to me too on this server..... Im pretty disappointed about this considering how i finally managed to set up my first nice base and now may just have to wait and hope i get unbanned and save my hard work in my base from despawning in like 6 days. Ive been on this server for like 3 weeks and i thought it was pretty good. Oh well, i guess i will just wait and hope for the best.
  3. SuperBenMan1

    [Official] NY68 now US186 Desolation Info and talk thread.

    I would like to say that i had a great time on this server so far. I even managed to set up my first good base with some tents and a couple vehicles over the course of about two weeks. But I noticed that i seem to be banned from the server saying it was a script injection or something. Is there a reason for this? Thanks again.