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Everything posted by Superwaffle

  1. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    Hey guys, I haven't played the normal DayZ in a while and decided to get back into it and have opened a new completely vanilla gameplay server up just for funsies. I missed the uncomplicated fear and fun that I used to have before all the addons and mods, and the small close knit community feel of it. If you want to come check it out and be part of our friendly and competitive community we're on Running vanilla chernarus (only addons are anti-hack and server commands). Server name: DayzGB 105 Running vanilla Chenarus. Veteran, 3DPm CH on.
  2. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    No problem :)
  3. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    DayzGB 105 Failing that load dayz up and click remote on the multiplayer in game browser, use
  4. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    Thanks, hopefully everything will be awesome and the website/ts will be up soon :D
  5. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    Not adding anything yet, trying to make it completely vanilla, but after a while and most of the people here would like them back I can add them in. At the moment there's lots of cars because I goofed the setup slightly, can try to fix soon if needed. But now there's a much smaller limit on respawns so if you break a car you find don't expect to see it respawn again for a long while. Basically cars will get rarer and rarer. It's based in London UK, and it's stats should allow a decent enough connection from US if you have a fairly good ISP over there.
  6. Superwaffle

    new played looking for servers.

    Just started a server like the one you originally wanted, have a look if you fancy it. Only mods are anti-hack ones so gameplay is completely vanilla. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/151500-new-small-vanilla-server/
  7. Superwaffle

    Looking for a new server, Vanilla + Private Hive

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/151500-new-small-vanilla-server/ Just started a server just like the one you wanted, with a close knit small community. Hopefully see you there :)
  8. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    Strange, we're running all updated the same as you fine, have you installed any mods for dayz that might be altering it?
  9. Superwaffle

    New Vanilla Server

    I'm using 103718 too, did you try with the updated one initially?
  10. Superwaffle

    L85A2 AWS for trade

    I can give you a bizon and 4 mags for the l85?
  11. Superwaffle

    AS50 for trade.

    How about 2 nvgs? I cant seem to find an as50 on any of the crash sites I find anymore :/
  12. Superwaffle

    looking for 2 survivors UK

    Hey, I'm 18 too, usually play similar times as you with my brother in law, I'm 18, avid gamer and fairly experienced gamer. Skype: super-waffle Steam: Superwaffle Name: Sam How long have you been playing?
  13. Hi, how do I go about joining? I'm from the UK too and I've been playing for about two months, almost have hero skin and have some really high level gear (nvgs, gps etc)
  14. Superwaffle


    I'll trade them for an SVD cammo sniper rifle :D
  15. I'll give you a ghillie for the NVGs?
  16. Superwaffle

    Helicopter Save

    Luckily managed to find a working helicopter, have put it somewhere where it has a slim chance of not being stolen, but i cant seem to get the save option to come up? any ideas? there's no people nearby or in it... Edit: I have seen the save come up for it before, but its not showing up now.
  17. Superwaffle

    Helicopter Save

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions guys :D I gave up on saving it, decided to troll the bandits by NW airfield, although one of em shot out the ATK rota or something and crashed just west of lopatino, ejected just above trees and hit the ground so hard i bled and was in shock, but all good fun and still alive :D:D
  18. Superwaffle

    Helicopter Save

    Do all legit helicopters have leaky fuel tanks? or just some?