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About Alzy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Alzy

    UK01, butthurt.

    Nope, I hadn't spotted this bus from afar and decided to go investigate, I spawned into this guys trap with 0 premeditation. I am in the wrong for logging out/in at the control tower and for DCing however. I'm sure no-one else on this forum has ever alt-f4'd. I'm also sure if i had spawned in right behind this camper and opened up wth my kobra he would have DC'd too. doesn't make it right, hopefully soon people won't have the option.
  2. Alzy

    UK01, butthurt.

    Wow, I never knew that, do other people know of this "ambush" of which you speak? Perhaps this is one of these "tactics" i keep hearing about... I don't think many people will be falling for the machiavellian bus in a field ploy. At least i hope they don't.
  3. Alzy

    UK01, butthurt.

    Yeah, on reflection, noob mistake by me, the second of the day as I dropped my full alice pack and it disappeared. Sooooo butthurt.
  4. Alzy

    UK01, butthurt.

    Beans for you dan, I think what i will take from this is never log out/in on a lootspawn as dayz is full of mentals who will snipe first ask questions later. As far as using 3dp goes, i need every advantage i can get.
  5. Alzy

    UK01, butthurt.

    Haha, yeah good point, no beans for me.
  6. Alzy

    UK01, butthurt.

    Not the airfield, the little airstrip in the NE. I know it's all part of the game and realistically people would do just that. Am I in the wrong for disconnecting tho or under those circumstances is it acceptable?
  7. I really enjoy this mod and I think it's amazing that it's just one guy doing most of the work on it. However, it's getting harder and harder to play and have fun. Mostly due to bandits sniping from a thousand metres away without so much as a "you friendly?" Example; Logged into UK01 not 20 mins ago, had logged out previously in the NE airstrip control tower. There's a bus there out in the middle of a field, as soon as I went from prone to crouched, 2 sniper shots fired, not loud but like a twig snapping. Not being a fool I had scoped around the tower for ages using 3dp (a bus in the middle of a field... seems legit :)) This guy has obviously put it there and then retreated somewhere to camp it. Luckily for me this guy couldn't range for toffee and missed both times. Also I disconnected. Does that make me a pussy? Or is that guy a nob for laying a noobtrap and camping like that? BTW he and the bus are probs still there. If anyone thinks they can take him/them please do and post the results. Would love it if those silly campers got pwned.