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uRxP Cypher

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Posts posted by uRxP Cypher

  1. I've never encountered a script kiddie/hacker on Lingor :) But i said that about Chernarus and eventully it happened :(

    As it gets popular the script kiddies move on ...

    Try joining UK210 :D good admins and its a good server, being in Finland you should get decent latency

    Yeah... it certainly does happen. Set up a new Lingor Server myself, left it public. I joined along with one of my clan mates to test it out. An hour in, a third person joins. 30 seconds later I'm killed in Calamar by a silenced M4A1. Since this is part of the HFB Hive, I figured this was plausible. One minute later, my clan mate was killed by the same guy in Verto.

    Hackers are defintely in Lingor Island. I was sad that the third person to join had to be immediately kicked and banned but what are you going to do? Let him teleport and kill you till he's bored? That's not a lot of fun...

  2. This has happened to us, without a server restart. One of my clan mates was 10 feet behind our V3S, moving things into a tent from it. 1 minute later, he turned around to find the V3S gone. It would be impossible to be driven off that quickly and without noise. 10 minutes later I watched a red UAZ literally disappear while scoping it out. Restarted server, vehicles came back. Yesterday, after a regualr server restart, all vehicles and tents refused to spawn till two more restarts were performed. We check three sites we set up with tents and 4 sites of others we know exist and none of them had any tents or vehicles. It was the strangest thing...
