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About hunter91398

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  1. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    just added u bro hmu whenever u wanna play :D
  2. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    ill add u in a sec
  3. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    im avaliable right now and am willing to play i could ask some of my friends if they would like to assit just lemme know your steam name and maybe we can use Team Speak 3.
  4. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    Thank you guys I really apreciate your contributing to the idea, and ill keep a place like a castle in mind :D
  5. lol ikr but a person can hope cant they :P but hopefully people will atleast try and be nice cuz think about, were supplying food and supplies to people in our town and feeding people and what not so its basically like theyre getting their share of stuff and if someone is being greedy and trys to kill someone or if theres an out burst well have about 5-10 men to take care of him nd yes someone could attack our base but they would only be getting about 10 rations of water nd 10 of food but if theyre nice and cooperate they would be getting more food and supplies in the long run, you know what I mean?
  6. I would love to put it in the woods but im not sure if it would be easy for other players to find, I want people to actually be able to come to the place and make like a "settlement" where people can pitch their tents and possibly live and hopefully we could all work together, I would probally start having units like send 3 men out to the local grocery store to get food and water/soda and send another 3 out to an airfield to maybe scavange guns and ammo and have the rest guard the safe zone, at the moment im trying to get wire traps and tank traps and stuff like that to barricade opening points in the castle, hopefully people will be mature enough to understand our cause and help out.
  7. I couldn't agree more, I actually want to start a survivor safe zone but dont have the manpower to do it, somewhere secure and away from the zombies would be great like a castle or just a place away from the major cities, I only have 2 friends I play with and they have agreed to help me, the major thing I have noticed is because everyone is so use to the fact that its kill or be killed they loose all humanity and murder innocents that actually could be trying to help, they don't see that it should be us (Humans) working against the bandits and zombies , perhaps (if you are intrested) we could put our ideas together if you could support a little more man power we could fortify a base somewhere and then you and your associates are more then welcome to set up your trading post in the base/safezone with the protection of the base and my men. If you think this is a good idea please respond. Everyone seems to think of survivial but no one seems to think of rebuilding what life use to be, its our job to do it if no one else will.
  8. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    I might actually fortify the construction zone in Chernorgorsk and set up a safe zone there I want it to be near a city because thats where most people would be if you have any other ideas I would love to hear them, feel free to share :D
  9. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    I AGREE, I dont know why everyone kills eachother if we work together we can kill the bandits and zombies and in Day Z its actually not too hard to find food and water so people need to come together to face the real problems
  10. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    thats why I need more people to help me guard we could have patrols and set up barricades with possibly snipers posted ready to blow off anyones head who tries to destroy or invade our base
  11. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    I was thinking of setting up where Fort Friendly was (Chernogorsk0 but its too risky, I understand what your saying because I was being killed on the way there i was thinking posibly a castle or an airfield inland.
  12. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    That sucks hopefully that doesnt happen to my base
  13. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    Sadly the Fort Friendly is no longer exist hopefully he will tell us later where is now but i'm gonna try and do what he did in Cherno im not sure which server im going to play yet but once I know ill inform you guys if you wanna come and help, the owner of Fort Friendly said his project was a success so hopefully I will have the same outcome.
  14. hunter91398

    Survivor Safe Zone

    Hey guys im starting this topic because I really wanna make a place were people can get along and survive we shouldnt be killing eachother we should be worrying about the bandits, and zombies, if I can get a group of atleast 10 people and we can fortify a base we could make this idea a reality and safe ALOT of lives in Day Z if anyone would like to help or has an idea to contribute please let me know
  15. hunter91398

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    I know this isn't a "nice survivor story" but I had an idea for a couple weeks now that I need help with and you guys are the people I am looking for to help me with this "idea". ya see I was constantly tired of everyone killing eachother and I noticed there were no safezones in the game but what if we had a group of like 10 or so people well armed and we cleared out some place and put up sandbags and tank traps and blocked the place off good and then started like a survivor refugee camp, like were people could come in for safety and we would have people do scavanging runs and we could feed these people that came in and they could choose to join us (if we trusted them) or if they just wanted to go. I have a couple ideas of places we could do this, if any of you are intrested please let me know, I've been wanting to do this for awhile.