Disconnecting during PVP is ruining the game and is now rampant on both the servers I admin. Logging a ticket each time this is reported will cause a huge number of tickets and work. I've started to crack down on it with banning people where I am CERTAIN it happens i.e. witnessed by myself or by people I trust to tell me the truth. It needs to addressed by the Dev's but I think if all Servers cracked down on it for a week or two it would help a lot.
Umm perhaps but unlikely knowing the guys involved, my question was more a general one really to see was there any logs etc I could use if it was happening.
I'm running a server and had 4 people complain that someone was cheating on the server last night that he managed kill the 4 of them while they were in a building with all doors covered and couldn't figure out how he killed them. Just wondering if there is any logs etc that might show something or what can server admins look out for?