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Everything posted by DarkMario616

  1. DarkMario616

    Two things that annoy me the most

    How about hitting a wall with a tool and it makes a gun shot sound? I swear I think I'm getting shot half the damn time...
  2. I'm a new player to the standalone and as much fun as nighttime is...the FPS is dramatically worse than in Daylight. I noticed with the new patch, even connecting to a different timezone yielded only nighttime...or even servers labeled as 24/7 dayttime were dark... Has it been fixed or is this permanent?
  3. DarkMario616

    Have Daytime servers been fixed yet?

    okay that's good hopefully my character saved...found a lot of good stuff this morning
  4. DarkMario616

    GPU usage drops along with fps

    It's the game, there's no fix, etc. etc.
  5. i3 2120 @ 3.3ghz / 8gb ram / xfx radeon hd 6870 http://www.reddit.co...w_fps_try_this/ I've already tried everything mentioned in that link, and nothing. I still get 15-20 fps in cities, and everywhere else is 25-30 fps...very slow. It doesn't help when 5 zombies are chasing me and I'm running 15 FPS -_- Lowering settings has absolutely no effect. I just built this a month ago, there are no viruses, nothing wrong, nothing to defrag or clean. I get 60 FPS in most modern games and Day Z isn't even that pretty. Very demanding apparently but I shouldn't be getting this low of a framerate.
  6. Alright it's been better so far. Lowest was about 22-25 in towns, otherwise its about 40 in woods, and 50s around the ocean line. Meh. Should be better, maybe it'll be fixed in the future. Any reasons why the latest patch MIGHT have broke it?
  7. Yeah it was better before the patch yesterday. I know 500 is recommended but 430's been good for me. :P Been recommended by the few. Joined a server, getting about 30 fps now. Normal settings with things like AA and shadows disabled. Still annoying but better than 10 lol.
  8. Joined a random server. 9 FPS. REALLY?
  9. No I built it. But it shouldn't matter what my PSU (430watt) or motherboard is. If I can get 60 FPS in Max Payne 3 (high) and GW2 (high/max) I shouldn't be getting 15 FPS in this game. There's something very wrong with the settings or latest patch.
  10. DarkMario616

    What's with the low FPS?

    I started off running it at 40-60 FPS at high settings. Then all of a sudden this new update comes along and it's running at 20-30 on low settings. I have an i3 2120 @ 3.3 ghz / 8gb RAM / XFX Radeon HD 6870 I should have no trouble running this but... I've tried turning off anti-aliasing, the shadows, the post processing, the antisotropic etc. nothing makes it run like it used to.
  11. DarkMario616

    Fps or Lag

    its the game because the fps is so bad on my side and I got a good set up
  12. DarkMario616

    Need help with FPS issues

    This game blows. The FPS drop is ridiculous and I'm getting aggrivated trying to fix this unbearable game.
  13. DarkMario616

    Need help with FPS issues

    That link says to set '-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz -world=empty -winxp' in the sixlauncher launch settings. How do I do that? I know how to do it in steam but I'm running it through the launcher instead. Just copy that to 'additional start up parameters'?
  14. DarkMario616

    What's with the low FPS?

    Is there an easier way to re-log without disconnecting and re-joining?
  15. DarkMario616

    What's with the low FPS?

    So we should log out every 20 minutes just to make the FPS better? That's not right.
  16. DarkMario616

    What's with the low FPS?

    Nah I got AMD.