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Everything posted by tjerk999

  1. tjerk999

    dayZ standalone

    I bought Arma II for dayz So i wonder do i have to buy the dayZ standalone for a normal price or do i get a discound because i bought Arma II already? It doesnt ,ather thow, im going to buy it anyways. But i was just wondering. Also will the mod still be running when the standalone releases? I'm really excited for it but i just have those questions.
  2. tjerk999

    NL / BE Groep

    hooi nextgenVI ik speel dayz nu ong. 5 weken en ik wil ook wel met mensen samen spelen dus ik vroeg me af waar en hoe kan ik me inschrijven? ik ben 13 jaar en speel veel games mijn in game naam is UltraPie22 en mijn echte naam is Tjerk. ik heb nog nooit met iemand samen gespeeld en het lijkt mij wel leuk. ik ben van plan morgen skype en teamspeak 3 te downloaden. ik hoop dat ik snel antwoord krijg en hoop snel samen met jullie wat zombies neer te knallen
  3. hi all, i recently started playing day z and i have seen other people in videos playing in thirdperson. i have looked in the controls but i cant find the key to go in to thirdperson. also i heard that on a laptop without a number pad on the left, you cant go in to thirdperson. can someone help me binding a different key to my thirdperson mode because i dant know how to do that. thanks
  4. tjerk999

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi all, I am Tjerk de Vries, ingame known as theexterminator. I lm still new to day z and i want to team up with some people. I live in the netherlands
  5. oww i found it ill try it out tomorrow thanks
  6. vetrox can you tell me where the fn key is because im fairly young and i dont really know where it is.
  7. no i wasn't in a veteran server and i could go in to thirdperson but i don't know how because my laptop doesn't have a numpad
  8. thanks i will try it out
  9. yes i know how to get there but the problem is i dont know how to change the binded keyin the control menu
  10. Hello, im new to the game and i dont understand it very good. When i want to join a day Z server it says this: version : 1.62 required : 1.62 I think thats the problem why i cant join any servers but can someone tell me how to fix this? Please help. Thanks
  11. tjerk999

    cant join day Z servers

    it finally works now
  12. hi all. again i have problems with day z. first i couldn't join servers because my version wasn't up to date and now it says: battle eye initialation failed. also when it doesn't say this it says : bad version, server rejected connection. can someone please help me out? i really want to play day z.
  13. tjerk999

    battleeye initialation failed

    it finally works now thanks
  14. hi all, i recently bought arma 2 combined operations and i wanted to play day Z. then when i want to join any random server it says bad version connection rejected. it does this with every day z server. with mission servers it doesn't do this. can someone help me with fixing this problem? thanks very much.
  15. tjerk999

    bad version connection rejected

    finally it works now
  16. hi all i need to know how to update day z because i cant join servers because i dont have the newest update. it says this patch : 1.62 required :1.62 and then some other numbers. i cant join day z servers and day z is why i bought arma 2 combined operations. please help i wanna play.
  17. tjerk999

    how do i update dayz?

    thanks it finally works now
  18. tjerk999

    bad version connection rejected

    you meanthat i should do that on a server i create or on a server from somone else. i cant get in any servers so i can only do it mine, right?
  19. tjerk999

    battleeye initialation failed

    okay, im 12 so i don't know how to install battle eye manually. cn you please help to get there?
  20. tjerk999

    battleeye initialation failed

    tenebris draco, are you saying that i should make my own server? and wait there for 2 minutes?
  21. tjerk999

    battleeye initialation failed

    i got that to but not that missing string message.
  22. tjerk999

    cant join day Z servers

    ok thanks
  23. tjerk999

    cant join day Z servers

    how do i run steam as an admin?
  24. tjerk999

    battleeye initialation failed

    okay so when i tried to reinstall battle eye, it said : do you want this program to make changes on your pc? i clicked yes then nothing happent. then i tried to get on a day z server it still didn't work. im getting tired of this.