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About Mal_81`

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mal_81`

    Looking for a group

    Hey all, I'm a new but now proficient and active player looking to join a clan with a voice server that plays semi-regular. Any help would be appreciated Steam: fps_malice
  2. Mal_81`

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Teairra just gave me new legs like Lt. Dan!! thanks a bunch partner, you guys rock
  3. Mal_81`

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry to bother anyone but I'm kinda dead in the water here with my poor broken legs, lol. Any chance I might get some assistance? I tried to help myself by crawling for very literally an hour to try and find some morphine at Green Mountain.... now I am just pretending to be dead, haha
  4. Mal_81`

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alrighty, I'm in the Green Mountain area, need a morphine fix. Damn tree stands
  5. Mal_81`

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, could use a spot of help if this is a real thing Steam: fps_malice
  6. New player to the game, but i have spent enough time learning the mechanics to not be ULTRA-noob. I have watched a bunch of videos, and get the general idea, but running solo is decently frustrating. I have all the major voice chat options ( Vent, Mumble, TS ) and am wanting to join a group of friendlies pronto to start this adventure :-) Steam name: fps_malice