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About DoesThisLookInfected

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DoesThisLookInfected


    But if i do bootcamp and it runs natively i checked my specs and it has what is required to play at maximum settings... Is there anyone else on here who plays with a bootcamped macbookpro?
  2. DoesThisLookInfected


    thanks and I've read several reviews that the macbook pro can play just as well as a pc
  3. DoesThisLookInfected


    Hoping to get help running Arma 2 on my mac book pro then downloading the Dayz mod whats the best way to run the program? and is there a way to play the game without using bootcamp and without lag? sorry i know I'm asking a lot but I've literally been searching the web for a way to do it and keep running into that issue but any tips, advice or even a way to do it from a fellow macbook pro user would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time