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Everything posted by CrazyGit

  1. CrazyGit

    Remove tents completely.

    How about when a player dies, any tents he owns are partially destroyed and some of the items stored inside are gone. In real life, bears and other wildlife destroy campers tents and belongings. This way the player does not know what gear he has left as he is running back. So even an experienced player with a tent, will feel the same way as a noob when killed.
  2. CrazyGit

    DayZ - Needs more cars/vehicles...

    How about a combine harvester as a vehicle. It can be used to clear the open fields of zombies and snipers.
  3. For Teamwork incentive: How about a fortified room that requires at least 2 people working together to enter and exit. It should contain better than average loot. Located in the middle of a city, to prevent any major sniping. Any fighting near the room is sure to bring lots of zombies. thoughts?
  4. CrazyGit

    Booby Traps

    I like that Idea. Using traps to protect personal gear is nice. Would the trap kill/(serious wound) the player and the destroy the gear? or just the player? I would like to see backpack with a boobytrap.
  5. Add male and female children models, instead of just adult models. Now of course these kids can't carry the same gear as adults but their a smaller target. Since there is little to no humanity in this game because bandits kill people just cause their bored. Lets see who can pull the trigger on a kid survivor.