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Posts posted by iamsheppard@googlemail.com

  1. What a bunch of whiners. Holy shit. Don't like the changes? Leave. Simple as that. I've been on DayZ for over a month and have been a part of almost all the major changes and ya know what I do? I deal with it. Yes' date=' some of the changes have upped the difficulty, but I fucking love the fact that it's not a walk in the park anymore. For the last 3 weeks or so, it's been entirely too easy, and as a result it became a MP deathmatch. The zombies have become a threat in a major way now, and that is the way it should be. Sorry to burst your bubbles guys. This may not be the game for you.


    Yeah that's smart, tell the people to stop playing the game, if everyone left there wouldn't be any point in making the mod.

    Just because you like the increased difficulty doesn't mean everyone does.

    Some of you just don't get it' date=' do you? It's another alpha-build, where rocket is testing how some things work or do not work, it's released and applied to the testing horde called 'players', they share their opinions about the current release and then rocket and his team make the decisions how to proceed[/quote']

    That's why games have beta/test servers, don't roll out updates to every server and then see what happens.

  2. Fuck yeah now this is what i call a zombie apocalypse! People needing to survive not just killing for the hell of it!

    The day of the bandit killing a noob for beans is over. Find your own goddamn beans!!

    How is the day of bandit killing noobs over?

    A bandit is more likely to have a weapon and noobs spawn without a weapon so are powerless to do anything about bandits who camp spawns.

  3. There was nothing wrong with the zombies in 1.7.0 other than the fact that they could see and walk through walls.

    It was stupid-easy to avoid the 1.7.0 zombies. I could kit out my character with a new backpack' date=' assault rifle, new pistol, plenty of ammo, etc, and often not have a kill a single zombie.

    Part of what made this game such a "kill on sight shooter (with zombies)" rather than a "Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game" was that you could pretty much just ignore the zombies.


    Wrong wrong wrong, and you couldn't be more wrong. Tired of people complaining about shoot on sight. The game became a shoot on sight because you are playing with other PEOPLE. If someone has something to gain from shooting another. They are going to do it. Even with the patch I still have a shoot on sight policy. I can handle the zombies, but other players are to much of a risk that I have no care of taking my chances with.

    Indeed, 1.5.0 hardly had any shoot on sight people and I really enjoyed it.

  4. Looks like its time to uninstall Arma again.


    Have fun playing something else that has an easy mode. For each person that leaves' date=' 10 more will come to this mod.

    I can't wait to see the player count when Arma 2 has another deal on Steam.


    Why do you idiots always assume that if someone doesn't like the difficulty then they must like 'easy mode', this mod goes from one extreme to the other, its either easy or ridiculously hard.

    There was nothing wrong with the zombies in 1.7.0 other than the fact that they could see and walk through walls.

  5. I know its alpha, I'm just bored of being told to "Go back and play CoD ******* noob" or "omg you arent playing it right" or "maybe this isn't the game for you".

    I only came to let Rocket know there are actually other people than the vocal lot who like it the way it is, there are just as many people who like it the way it WAS also.

    If they are going to keep the large amounts of fast zombies there needs to be a way to kill them quietly then.

  6. I like that you can speak for the majority, the fast vs slow zombie thread has people in equal measures.

    Stop telling me this game isn't for me, I don't have any issues with any other games including Dark Souls which is ridiculously hard.

    Its just this game has lost the fun factor for me and lots of other people.

  7. There's a fine line between realism and fun, I shouldn't have to put in hours and hours and hours and hours to have fun, running for 20 mins only to get spotted by a zombie and have 30 super fast usain bolt zombies zig zagging from side to side chasing you from one side of the map to the other without stopping isn't fun.

    The zombie speed was manageable when you could sneak into town with a lesser amount of zombies, now that they spawn in bigger numbers and wander to the outskirts of town its destroyed the fun this game had.

    The only fun to be had with this game is if you group up with friends, I never read of any amazing solo experiences other than managing to get away from the zombie train you pull.

  8. Everyone has a different level of skill and amount of time to play.

    I get less than an hour a day to play this game, I don't want to have to spend that hour crawling along the ground on my stomach just to get a tin of beans.

    The 1.5.6 amount of zombies was perfect for me.

  9. I will probably get told to "lolol go play CoD you noob" but I emailed the devs and they said maybe post it in here so they can keep track of all the suggestions.

    I did post in another post somewhere but it seems to have been buried.

    First the sob story, I work stupid hours and I might only have an hour or so a day if that and I don't want to have to spend that hour crawling around on my stomach dodging zombies just to get a can of beans. I realise ARMA is about realism but there is a fine line between realism and fun.

    1.5.7 is unplayable for me and I realise the zombie spawn and increase in zombies wasn't complete intentional but if that is the future of the mod then I don't think I will be playing it at all.

    Its clear that the fast vs slow zombie issue is split, what is tiring are all the people that are pro-fast zombies being arrogant and condescending against those that are anti-fast zombies.

    So what I was wondering is that seeing as there are two types of servers, regular and veteran, would it not make sense to please everybody by making it so that the regular servers have less, slower zombies and veteran servers have more, faster zombies, everyone is happy and it cuts down on the animosity of all the hardcore ARMA players towards casual gamers such as myself?

  10. I haven't come to moan and I realise the amount of zombies was unintentional, I just thought I'd add my 2p worth.

    At the moment this game is unplayable for me, you shouldn't HAVE to group up with people to go into towns, forcing people to do it goes against the principals I have read in many of the interviews and its one of the reason I do not play MMOs.

    I realise gameplay has to have a set of rules to make the mechanics work but having 500+ zombies in a game where you are a lone survivor makes it impossible for me to play, I work ridiculous hours and I'm very lucky to get an hour of gameplay in a day, I don't want to have to spend that crawling around for that hour just to get a tin of beans.

    Now I'm not saying you should or expect that you should make these changes just to please me, but please take into consideration the people who aren't hardcore ARMA2 gamers who don't want to dodge 20-30 zombies in small towns trying to find supplies.

    Maybe have regular (easy) mode that has 3rd person view have 200-400 zombies that patch 1.5.6 did and make veteran (hardcore) servers have the current 700+ zombie level.

    I'm tired of being called a noob and that I should just STFU and that no one is making me play the game just because I dislike the sheer number of ridiculously fast zombies that zigzag around, chase you 100km across the map, who can see, hear, hit and walk through walls.

