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Everything posted by Peppen

  1. Peppen

    Balota suprise.

    Guys, grow up. Honestly. Of course we weren't shooting freshly spawned newbies. We were merely passing by the airstrip, and while we were there, we took the chance to look for better weapons. Who wouldn't? And yes, we were in fact looking for supplies. But not necessarily in the airstrip. When we heard the shots being fired, we just couldn't risk anything, so we shot on sight. Like Scavenger said, kill or be killed. And since they were probably looking for weapons in the airstrip too, chances are that they would most likely be hostile.
  2. Peppen

    Guardians of Chernarus.

    Name: Bruger/Peppen Age: 17, mature. Gender: Male Playing time: 6 weeks. Skype/C3 name: peplolz Game skill (1-10): 8. Time zone: Denmark (GMT+1)