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About CruzherZombie

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. CruzherZombie

    LF some fun people to play with

  2. CruzherZombie

    Etsitään Suomalaisia pelaajia.

    Mullekki kelpais peliseura pelannu about pari kuukautta lisätkää steamissa cruzherzombie jos kiinostaa
  3. CruzherZombie

    Still looking for a mature group!

    Hey can i join ur group ?
  4. People in DayZ areusually backstabbing cunts but good that there is some trustworthy people like you seem to be.Add me on steam:CruzherZombie or pm the server and stuff :)
  5. CruzherZombie

    Looking for FINNISH players.

    Terve So yeah i have an akm with two mags and m1911 with one mag.(i also have a tent) I have been playing about a week,so add me on steam if u are finnish.My steam is cruzherzombie