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Posts posted by kamajutsu

  1. katniss, on 28 August 2012 - 06:52 PM, said:

    Perhaps if there was a way to holster all weapons? As it is right now, if someone looks at you they are also aiming at you...does not make for a nice meetup for sure.


    That's the thing that really gets me about it all - if the devs wanted us to be friendly we wouldn't point our guns around constantly.

    It's silly, and on the verge of only being acceptable to crazy-mass-killer types in real life.

    Definitely agree with this!

    What could be a cool idea is a "holster" function (seeing as "lowering" the weapon doesn't seem to be sufficient). Players who are truly friendly, with no intention of a PVP fight, should have the ability to "holster" a weapon and run freely.

    This should then be relayed to everyone, that a person with a holstered gun DOES NOT WANT TO ENGAGE in any fight. This way, new players or true friendlies can spot each other from far away, knowing that this person does not want to engage.

    If someone wants to "trick" people into being friendly, and whip out their gun - it has to be a slower animation, so you have a chance to engage back or find cover / run.

    Killing a holstered individual could mean double negative point deduction from humanity.

    The more your weapon is holstered, the more your humanity goes up

    • Like 2

  2. Either you're wrong or every 50th person in DayZ is cheating


    And think about it dude...

    It only takes 1 hacker out of 50 players to kill the entire server with a mass kill

    So even ONE measly hacker on a full server is a huge problem.

    I wish everyone would stop downlplaying the problem. It's only a matter of time before your server you currently play on will be unplayable

  3. Hacking is clearly an issue however it is not affecting the core community


    Stupidest thing I've read so far. then who is it effecting? The community is everyone playing the game, and if there are constant threads (not just on the forums but on Youtube etc) with constant outcry regarding hackers, are they not the "core" community? What constitutes this "core" community you speak of?

    In the last 3 hours I've died to invisible players, players spawning helicopters on top of players, mass server killings. And this is just AFTER the latest beta and patch, and on low population servers.

    Sure, Battleye is claiming thousands are being banned for hacking, but this is already after the fact that they have gotten away with multiple hacks for days. Let's look at the ratio - currently they claim around 12,000 have been banned. Out of how many players? Over 1,000,000. Do the math. The Hackers are running rampant, yet the community is turning against each other telling people to "keep quiet" and "stop whining" about the issue.

    Bottom line is - I don't believe in the community telling each other to "shuttup" and "quit whining" about issues.

    Issues are issues, and no-one should be silenced or told to not re-enforce or re-address them.

    This game is currently UNPLAYABLE due to hackers

  4. These are the types of hacks being offered, and being supported by entire communities of people -

    • BattlEye Script bypass
    • Execute any script you want (SQF, SQS and more)
    • God mode
    • Show all players on the map
    • Give yourself guns
    • Full health hotkey
    • Teleport
    • Spawn a vehicle (WILL NOT EXPLODE)
    • Break server update
    • Spawn a bodyguard
    • Teleport server
    • Mass kill

  5. if people want to spend £30 pound a day to hack items into the game, so be it.

    You didn't read what I was emphasizing on. I said I don't care about hacked items and weapons. I'm talking about someone teleporting the entire server to an island and hitting a kill button to kill the entire server every hour.

    not saying im on the hackers side just that they are not a big problem like everyone says.

    The servers you frequent may not have these types of hackers, but it's too general to say "they are not a big problem". that was the point of my post - to state that on my batch of servers, it is FULL of hackers altering the maps and teleporting people to kill them

  6. 1/3 games has a hacker.

    Yes I agree, and DayZ definitely isn't immune to hackers. I've just noticed that it's so widespread on the servers I frequent, that I can't actually play the game anymore.

    Like i said above, these hacks are so extreme, that someone is mass killing the entire servers over and over every hour

  7. I have been reading posts here and there on hackers, and have chuckled lightly to myself every time I glance over it.

    "What hackers?" I ask rhetorically...

    But after a week or two away from DayZ (I was off on some travels), I returned to the game with much excitement and optimism, to resume my character I have spent a lot of time on.

    Within an hour, the entire server gets teleported to a debug area. "Ah...it's just a bug. sigh. no biggie," I thought to myself.

    All of a sudden everybody is huddled together on an island...except we're all cows. That's right, cows. Out of nowhere, the entire server (40+ ppl) gets wiped out. Killed.

    The comms erupted in a frenzy of expletives and cursing. "It's that hacker again! This is the 3rd time tonight!" I hear in amazement.

    So I suck it up...try to ignore it, and hop to a completely different server.

    After an hour or so of playing, and finding most of my essential tools and a decent primary weapon, suddenly I am teleported again. This time, the entire server appears on a rooftop somewhere.

    "Don't shoot!" says everyone to each other, as we stand face to face with the entire server of 40+ players on the rooftop. Everyone stays still, respectably.

    BAM. It happens again. The entire server suddenly hits the ground, dead. "It's another hacker." says one person, with the rest of the server sighing in regretful agreement.

    What is happening to this game? I'm not talking about someone hacking God Mode or some non-game weapon...We are talking about something killing the entire server over and over for fun. How is this possible, and why is this happening on such a large scale (at least, the servers that I frequent)
