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Everything posted by JamesR

  1. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    I think you misunderstood that part was FUN.
  2. JamesR

    Game changer...more realism.

    How about they just add weight to weapons. Carry an m4 and no real change. Carry an m107 and you're slower than zombies.
  3. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    Right after my last post I played some more. Explored electro looted some firestations and the grocery store. Then killed and was murdered by a bandit.
  4. JamesR

    Advice for bandits.

    I guess he wanted to take my hatchet or maybe those cans of pepsi i had. All he got was the hatchet though. lol
  5. JamesR

    Game changer...more realism.

    Because there aren't 50 cals in half the gun shops around here.
  6. JamesR

    Good place for a stash `?

    I understand that no one goes to green mountain.
  7. JamesR

    who here wants a tent!

    1 m240 mag.
  8. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    I realize that making noise = death. I had just come off a string of 5 or 6 spawns where I never found anything I COULD make noise with not even a hatchet. 4 empty deer stands in one life is a little disheartening.
  9. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    Yeah i'm missing skill that's why weapons aren't spawning near me can't be bad luck.
  10. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    And when the zombies see me from behind a building 500m away?
  11. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    Deer blinds? lol all I've ever found in one of them is Zombies and a backpack.
  12. JamesR

    Am I missing something?

    All I need is to get a hatchet without being eaten. After that I stay alive for a good long time. Getting one is the problem.
  13. JamesR


    Two people just to flip an ATV back over?
  14. JamesR

    Arma 2 before Dayz took over?

    It's still in alpha though.
  15. I usually get eaten by a huge pack of zombies that waited for me to spawn.
  16. JamesR

    Lethal trees

    Lets just hope they never put gazebos into this game...
  17. Bandit spawns on your group and mows you down with a machinegun.
  18. JamesR

    Convert or DIE

    That is civilization we are dealing with the lack of that here. Bandits have decided that killing people for their stuff is easier than scavenging it themselves. People shoot on sight because you can't trust anyone. Those things won't change in this game EVER since the only way to change them would be to have some sort of police force.
  19. JamesR

    Convert or DIE

    People on this forum talk about bandits and survivors as if they are two different groups. Banditry is just another way to survive. I think you guys need to go watch The Road Warrior. 3 factions are represented. People with a fortress just trying to build a life, Bandits, and the lone drifter out for himself. All of us fall into one of those groups. This game gives bandits and drifters everything they need. People trying to build a society in a walled off fortress aren't supported as of yet.
  20. Just played for the first time yesterday. About a minute after I spawned another player came running at me and was promptly eaten by 5 undead. I used this distraction to escape towards some buildings. Then wandered around for 20 minutes searching for a weapon. Finally found a hatchet, a jerrycan, toobox, and highway flares. I then made for the treeline hitting some powerlines and following them thru the woods. Then came out on an open field with a building near a road at one edge. Started towards it when I noticed two zombies shambling around. I then went prone and crawled into position behind the nearest one quickly dispatching it with a single hatchet blow to the head. Attempted the same with the second and it got one good swipe in on me before I killed it. Quickly bandaged myself up and found no loot at all in the building. I then made my way down the powerlines about half a k to a smallish powerplant. Surveying it from outside the perimeter I noticed a ladder on the side of the main building. I hurridly climed it to the roof to get an idea of the surroundings. That's when I saw him. A lone survivor lying crippled on the ground outside another building next to two dead zombies. He grimmly clutched his hatchet as another creature lurched towards him. Swinging franticaly at it's legs as it clawed him. If fell to the ground dead. He tried to crawl away but succumbed to his injuries before I could get to him. After climbing down I searched his body. Finding only a hatchet a can of beans and a blue glowstick. Then I noticed an open door and went inside. Two piles of ammo right inside the door along with painkillers. To the left was a staircase. As I climbed the first flight of stairs I slipped and fell. I think my ankle is broken but I soldiered on. The second landing held a Czech backpack which I took as my own. On the top floor I saw something that brought tears to eyes. An M4 carbine and 3 full mags!! I then hobbled towards the town I could see in the distance shooting a few zombies along the way. The first building I came to was a grocery store! Found food, bandages, pain killers, and matches!! I then decided this was a good stopping point and logged out for the day. This has been the most nerve wracking gaming expeirience I've had in a long time. It's also THE zombie game I've been waiting for.
  21. JamesR

    My first day.

    Hmm I have a broken bone indicator but am still standing just walking slower with a lot more head bob.
  22. JamesR

    Convert or DIE

    Shoot on sight and banditry are what would happen if civilization fell. It just means this game IS realistic.
  23. JamesR

    My first day.

    I don't think I can make it back to the treeline. My limp is pretty bad and there are so many undead. I'm sure I'll die shortly after respawn but it's a lot of fun.