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About pasza

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. pasza

    ST_Movement Addon?

    I know this is simulation, but it shouldn't be problematic to do stuff that every normal person would do automatically without thinking about it (UHGHHGH can't go through door because my gun is hitting a wall HHGHG). It should be don't automatically - think about how walking is solved. You just need to hold "W" to keep walking forward, you don't need to tap Left Shift for left leg and Numpad 1 for right leg, because everyone knows how to walk. Everyone knows that you need to pull your gun closer to your body/put it down for 1 second/etc. to walk with it sideways through the door.
  2. pasza

    My list of suggestions/complaints for Day Z

    Good at shooters and good at Arma are two totally different things. Arma has done lots of stuff wrong and the only hope is that Arma 3 fixes that. Like crosshair is ALWAYS in the middle, not flying around like a drunk mosquito. Or ladders. Or doors. Or just possibility to turn around while you are standing still, who the hell had the idea to make your weapon block ability to turn around in narrow place, I have no idea what stuff like this is "simulating".
  3. pasza

    Spawn problem - not spawn

    I am getting the same. When I choose Respawn from the menu, I wait 5 seconds and I actually respawn, but I have no gear, hear no sound and I am in middle of forest with nothing but trees and grass. Tried walking around, but it seems to be an area somewhere outside of the map, where characters are being created or so. Tried many servers, same effect.