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Everything posted by beveik

  1. Hi, been playing Fallujah for a while on Vilayer hive. Today we fixed the UH-1.. choppa, but found only few jerry cans. Problem is: where do i refill jerry cans in Fallujah? Visited 3 gas stations, but no such option to refill anywhere near them. Tried landing few meters in front of gas station pumps and looked for an option "refill vehicle" in scroll menu (as one can easily do in Lingor island), didn't find anything. So, where does one refill jerry cans? Can vehicle (choppa ir car) be refilled at gas station without jerry cans? thank you:)
  2. beveik

    Connecting Failed

    yesterday (08.12) game was running like charm: no artifacts, no crazy stuff just lost a bizon after disconnecting. but it's ok, im no mad. Today can not connect to any of servers ingame list or through six launcher. updated to and 95883 beta patch graphical glitches, hard earned items disappearing, teleporting back to coast after an hour of running north and disconnecting were annoying. but i could play. now a complete deadend with sign "Connecting failed". fcuk this - running low on tolerance. and fcuk your "chill, its alpha" haven't played any game thats in same place so addictive and so annoying due to the bugs. But who gives a fcuk when there are thousands of people buying arma 2 OA everyday and only few misfits raging about its flaws. 0 servers joined today. 0
  3. beveik

    Want Bizon with lots of ammo

    i have a bizon with 5 mags. I would trade it for NVG and rangefinder. it's a bit weird that u found two AS50's in barracks since they spawn at heli crash sites only. I could drop any weapon on the ground and make a screenshot of it:) just your bandit status with 11 murders doesn't make me want to trust u. But u're in THE LIST, so we can try.
  4. beveik

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    god damn.. motherf.. ok, its Alfa. its Alfa. found crashed heli, got two M107, one dmr, one bizon. Shared sniper rifles with mates, left bizon for myself (i have a ghillie on). Killed few zombies on my way to safe place in barn where all sharing with mates and swapping, droping on the floor took place. On my way i shot like 10 zombies with Bizon. Oh happy moments. About 15 minutes passed since the looting of heli, we logged off. I logged in 30 minutes later to see that all the ammo for my bizon is gone. all three clips. Its alfa.. god damn.. mo.. just one weird thing: when tried dropping DMR on the floor, i couldn't. It took like three attempts to drop it. Maybe it has nothing to do with not saving. dunno. our little "old farts" crew was so happy about this fat loot. Will see what they have tomorrow. 1. Was server @hive? yes it was. server DE 63 (@hive) 2. Did u shoot zombies after looting the guns? yes i did. gun stayed, ammo gone.
  5. beveik

    Character inventory not saving.

    had same issue too. After the dramatic 1 vs 2 i gathered my prize, logged out and when came back later.. the prize was gone: no coyote, no MP5SD6, no rangefinders.. Today it happened also after doing some farming in supermarket. Once i connected to the next server, the loot from the previous one was absent. I will keen an eye on server being @hive in the future to see if that's the problem.