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About HueyLewy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just teleported all vehicles to his location around 7:12pm EST. He was with friends because I could hear them thanking him for the helicopter I happened to be in. Hopefully an admin reads this.
  2. HueyLewy

    invisible hackers on TX4-US80

    wow lots of questions. ok.....we found your camp because we flew over it. if you've ever been in a helicopter you know its not hard to spot tents, especially if there is a cluster of them. i usually like to fly around the western and northern perimeter as you can spot many camps that way. also what i noticed first was a hatchback next to your tents. when we came back the second time it was gone. like i said before, I was the pilot and have no idea why you couldnt see me. after you killed theron, i tried to take off but you hit the engine again so it powered down. I got out and ran down the hill and flanked around behind but because it took so long you fixed and flew off with the heli before i got around. i have only witnessed the invisibility thing that wasnt a hack once with a friend of mine. it wasnt a hack it was a glitch. i could only see his face, gun, and shoes. everything else was invisible. seemed like some kind of glitch where the clothes didnt load. not sure if this could have been the same problem. as to the heli repairing: i know that with things like the bus and some other vehicles, if you bump into something, sometimes you lose a wheel. if you get out and get back in, sometimes its magically repaired. i dont know why but seems to be just another dayz glitch. the problem with all the glitches is that its hard to distinguish a glitch from a hack sometimes
  3. HueyLewy

    invisible hackers on TX4-US80

    well whoever the hackers are, that has to be their camp in the northwest corner. a nice spot to fully fix a heli btw once you've fixed it enough to get it there. there were satchel charges in their tents too whenever the server restarts and their tents resurrect out of the ground.
  4. HueyLewy

    invisible hackers on TX4-US80

    theron was with us and the radio was found on two dead players on a different server by another person in our group. i was the pilot wearing a ghillie suit. if you couldnt see me then its a glitch of some sort. hackers ruin the game and i take no part in it. we should have known better then to land at your camp in the trees when there was a dead body in the middle of the tents. theron checked the area out with L85 thermals and didnt see anyone then was killed a few seconds later at medium close range and simultaneously the helicopter was getting hit. he swears by that L85 but I think it's crap and i'm pretty sure he just couldnt see you through a bush or something. at any rate, i dont have any proof that it was you guys and frankly this was more of a warning to other people that play that server. i only picked on you guys because it was at least three people. (two in the chopper they snagged from us and one on the ground) the only spot that we can confirm invisible hackers is on the northwestern most hill top where there is a camp with all the equipment you could ever need. is this your camp too? but this is where we heard the same stuff too. eating food, crawling around, dropping items around us, and stealing from our bags so we quit out. some of the guys did combat log and i'm sorry if you guys are legit. we arent a clan so i cant control what they do. all i can tell you was i never did. even when we landed and my chopper was disabled by invisible snipers on the hill next to us and theron was killed, i flanked around the hill just in time to see them take off. they had to be invisible because it was a barren hill and at my distance the grass texture wasnt loading so there wasnt anyplace to hide.
  5. im pretty sure its the YNK clan because there were multiple invisible people around us spawning equipment and laying down next to us while we laid down watching what I assume is their camp. I say YNK because there were four of them on the server so it was the only group that was on the whole time we were contesting camps. Plus there camps were five km from each other and they seemed to bounce back and forth between them rather quickly. I'd appreciate it if the admins would look into this whoever you are.
  6. At approximately 2110 on 08/10 a guy wearing camo and a hockey mask playing creepy music and running with a hatchet attacked our bus. I ran him over repeatedly and he wouldnt die. When we drove away we were all insta-killed. when my friends respawned back on the coast he was there chasing them around. his name is either spencer, [elysium] Assassin00, or tugarsits as those were the only other people on the server with us.
  7. US61 NY2 at about 1243 Eastern Standard Time everyone was teleported into deathmatch mode and insta-killed. Is this a hack or admin abuse?