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Everything posted by +Ben+

  1. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've just reply'd to your PM Tib, give me a shout if you still need help.
  2. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Was great to meet up with you, and thanks very much for the med supplies. I've cooked the meat ready for anybody who needs it, time to go and get that water bottle filled up. Also, if your trying to hunt down more med supplies i would recommend headng east to berezino as its usually a bit quieter than the south coast. i'm in the UK and as our timezones aren't far apart if you fancy meeting up for a run into berezino hospital tomorrow evening give me a shout. The silenced weaonry comes in handy for smashing the glass at the hospital :D Edit: Spelling and grammar fails lol, it is 3 am here in the UK so dont blame me for my mistakes :P
  3. +Ben+

    Self Transfusions

    If you ever need help medically you can go to the Need mediacl assistance thread and request help, if you are in dire need of a blood transfusion etc. theres usually always somebody willing o help you out. http://dayzmod.com/f...ce-we-can-help/ The link above will take you straight there :thumbsup:
  4. I can offer assistance if your in a more northerly position if you still need help?
  5. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just loaded up Six Launcher and the server list is showing up again. Peeps in need can now request help as normal without having to find out server ip and port. Good times :thumbsup:
  6. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm feeling the same, i've helped a couple of people in the last couple of days and now i'm itching to get and help more peeps. Everyone seems to be doing just fine at the moment though lol.
  7. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anybody needs help and can provide a server ip and port i am availible for medic duties. Im not on the whitelist yet but below is a report from earlier of an assist to show people im trustworthy. if u want to add me on steam my steam name is brown3r1
  8. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anytime mate. was nice to be able to help someone out instead of running from strangers all the time lol Dr Wasteland, could i possibly be added to the white list please? In game name/forum name: +Ben+ Steam: Brown3r1 Thanks!