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Everything posted by +Ben+

  1. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    That would be the red smoke by the van in this pic then Greg :P http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/956139850507665727/8436613D75CD14CA732A3F7C53116707C54CF803/
  2. +Ben+

    (Ceased Trading)

    Just met up with Max for a trade. These guys are perfectly trustworthy so give them a shout if your looking for a fair trade with a good group of guys. Thanks again guys, the stuff will be put to good use :thumbsup: 5* Rep and beans for you! :beans: :D
  3. +Ben+

    Playing at night on a server

    Personally i prefer playing at night if possible. I have NVG's though so its not an issue or me. Main reason i like playing on night servers is it makes assisting a patient much safer for me, if they dont have NVG's its a damn sight harder for them to kill me after i've treated them :D For the record though: I have never been backstabbed by a patient after treating them, but that may just be becuase i'm such a nice guy lol :P
  4. I would be perfectly happy with recieving an M4 SD and an M107 both with a bit of ammo! Both would benefit patients to a massive degree, the M4 SD directly because it would be used against zombies defending patients/the ambulance and the M107 would either be used for overwatch purpose in case things go sour or used as a trading tool for SD ammo for our Bizon or more Stanag SD rounds :D I would be a hugely grateful recipient, and i'm sure my patients would appreciate it too :thumbsup:
  5. +Ben+

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    Not everyone is immediately hostile. Yesterday i teamed up with a few other medics and we spent the day cruising around in the "Ambulance Van" responding to first aid requests on the forums/steam. Definately the most fun i've had in DayZ so far, apart from a communication error on my part which resulted in me shooting the patient by mistake :blush: We went and picked him up from respawn though and took him back to his body so he could get his stuff so i think i was forgiven by the patient lol.
  6. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I was doiing that for a bit yesterday, didnt want to annoy the others on teamspeak too much though :lol:
  7. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    tl;dr sya and his team fixed me up while having an epic gunfight inside a small barn. Five people with shotguns, rifles etc. and a huge pile of bodies before them. True medics. I nearly got myself killed again shortly after our departure and I found another antibiotic. Either the spawn rate has increased or I'm just a lucky bastard when it comes down to this. A picture of said gunfight in the barn can found here: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/956139850507683622/3BFD58FCC1B80925AF7864A9E8A97E6CEB4489E7/ :thumbsup:
  8. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    After action report for yesterday afternoon/evening. Featuring: Sya, Smack, Terror, Greg and numerous others who's names i cant remember now but if you were there let me know and i'll add your name in :lol: There are also various pics on my steam profile if people want to see them. I havent uploaded all of them but will do sometime today so there will be more to see. Hopefully i'll be meeting up with Sya to do it all again today so there will be even more stories to tell. In fact i'm gonna make notes as we travel this time so i can do a proper report with all the details afterwards :thumbsup: So if you see a blue van driving around full of people chances are its us in the Ambulance so please dont shoot us, and if we do help you and offer you a weapon from the van and you try and take the Bizon SD and its ammo you will be taking a bullet in the head as a bonus free gift ;) EDIT: Sorted, thanks MikaelM :thumbsup:
  9. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    PM'd you mate :)
  10. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone would like to see some pics i'll link to them below: http://cloud-2.steam...BFD93E0FF15C6B/ - I like this one, you can see the three guys in the supermarket with all the zombies charging at the front doors. http://cloud.steampo...EB97D1474942F4/ - Striking a pose, victorious against the zombies - Terror you were badass with that M4 SD. He killed 50+ zombies in minutes outside the supermarket :lol: http://cloud-2.steam...0092F8AAA955F1/ - Cover your corners while the gears being loaded :D :D Good times rolling in style. I need a better graphics card though lol. Anybody needs help give me a shout on steam :thumbsup:
  11. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Doctor Ben reporting for duty. Currently running with Sya so hit me up on steam for a quick response :)
  12. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm sending you both pm's. As your both in the same area I can sort you both out quickly before i go to bed. I'm nearby so it wont take me long.
  13. Hi all, I'm having some problems with direct comms at the moment. It seems anything that i type in direct can be seen by others, but i cant see anything anybody else writes. Same goes for voIP in direct comms,i cant hear a word anybody's saying, even though i can see thier lips moving. Really not sure what to try so if anybody can suggest anything i'd appreciate it.
  14. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Any medics down south availible for an assist at Toplolka dam? Got a patient there in need of a blood bag and i'm not online at the moment.
  15. Personally i run with a Bizon SD on medic assists. Good for clearing zombies on the way to a patient in a hotspot without letting the whole town know that dinners arrived :D
  16. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone could donate some morphine i would be hugely grateful. Just used my last one this morning. Went to Berezino with the intention to raid the hospital but i get this stupid graphics glitch when i get too close to town so cant go in. So if anyone would be willing to help me out with a supply run into berezino i can be just outside town so you wouldnt have to run far for me :D Dont have much to trade for any supplies at the moment but let me know if you can help and what you want in return. Cheers :thumbsup:
  17. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This is the wrong place for a picture really but thought it would be nice for people to see who are a bit wary about trustong someone to come help them. This is Aggroschnarre, Syacelion and myself sat round the fire after meeting up. I cooked us up some meat and then we all just sat and chilled out for a moment :D http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/957265118014464144/7C1B4E6C543E786B6B9C83648801352882E17062/ Was good to meet up with you guys, sorry about the death of your ATV Sya :( Edit: Nevermind, not sure how to post a pic properly lol :blush: Edit 2: I'll just link to the pic on my steam profile, easiest way i think :)
  18. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll send you a PM mate, i'm only a about a km and a half away at kumyrna at the mo so i can get to you pretty quickly.
  19. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm currently located just north west of kumyrna. Got a couple of morphine and blood bags left on me so if anyones in my immediate area and needs help drop me a pm. I'm not in game at the moment but i'll be checking the forums/PM's regularly.
  20. Hi all, I'm trying to find some Bizon SD mags at the moment. I had 4 mags yesterday but ended up using quite a few rounds defending a patient who panicked and starting shooting off his enfield at silhouettes in the dark. Had to patch him up AGAIN afterwards to add insult to injury but hey ho these things happen. I'm down to my last 14 rounds so I'm after 3-4 mags if possible. I'm afraid i dont really have anything good to trade for them though as everything i have is either med supplies or food and drink. Let me know if your in a position to provide mags and what you would like in return, if its something i dont have i'll try my best to get it for you. Thanks in advance. :)
  21. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll be availible in about an hour and a half again. Im hoping to spend some time around the centre of the map looking for crash sites as im down to my last 14 rounds for the Bizon now and in dire need. I'll still be responding to any med requests if i'm nearby so send me a PM or add me on Steam and i'll let you know if i can get to you :)
  22. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Mercian, i'm not far from you at all and can probably be there in about 5 mins. Checked my steam friends but it says your offline?
  23. +Ben+

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    PM'd you buddy :thumbsup: