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Everything posted by smokie_23@hotmail.com

  1. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Im no expert on arma scripting but when I google it and search it. I find many threads and users saying its from vehicle/heli crashing. http://dayzmod.com/f...om/#entry725329
  2. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    ^^ this logs (BIS_Effects_AirDestruction) seem to be from when a player crashes and destroys a vehicle. I believe they are legit and not hacks.
  3. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Banned on US 1021, i don't know why.

    I am the admin of US 1021. I don't see your name in bans.txt. What was the exact message coming up when you try to join? Could you connect to the server on update at all? Do you use an IP changer thing? Have you tried to connect recently because there has been more updates to the Battleye system and script detection. Send me a PM if you still cannot connect.
  4. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Yes, it seems they be trying to thunderdome. Heres some links about that script. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75625-cheat-report-7-player-stoney-with-logsguidproof/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75574-4-thunderdomers-and-a-heli-spawn-tonight/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75528-caught-another-thunderdomer/
  5. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    What is happening here? This is the only person with this type of script being logged and its spammed anywhere from every 3 seconds to around 60 seconds. 20.08.2012 18:04:03: Rinzler (IP) GUID - #118 "_int=_int - 0.02 - rain/10;}; sleep 3; }; deletevehicle _fl; while {(_int>0.7) && !(alive _v && _l" 20.08.2012 19:35:56: Tobiobi25 (IP) GUID - #20 "ndom _int)>2.2) then { _b="SmallSecondary" createvehicle (getpos _v); }; };" 20.08.2012 19:35:56: Tobiobi25 (IP) GUID - #20 " 2) < 0)) exitwith {}; _b="SmallSecondary" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos); } foreach (_" 20.08.2012 19:35:58: tomm (IP) GUID - #0 "#line 1 "scripts\p.sqf" player addAction ["kill","\scripts\kill.sqf"]; player addAction ["chop" 20.08.2012 19:36:00: tomm (IP) GUID - #17 "sqf" player addweapon "ItemHatchet"; 'Goat' createunit [ [(getpos player select 0), (getpos player" 20.08.2012 19:36:00: tomm (IP) GUID - #20 " if (isServer) then { (vehicleToSpawn createVehicle (position beeeh))setVariable ['ObjectID', 5" 20.08.2012 19:36:00: tomm (IP) GUID - #49 "eeeh = this', 1.0, 'PRIVATE' ]; beeeh addMPEventHandler ['mpkilled', { vehicleToSpawn = 'UH1H_DZ'" 20.08.2012 19:36:00: Tobiobi25 (IP) GUID - #130 "isDedicated" 20.08.2012 19:36:12: [STD] Sev (IP) GUID - #118 "ig] call BIS_fnc_invAdd; if (_isOk) then { deleteVehicle _holder; if (_classname in ["MeleeHatchet"," player addAction ["kill","\scripts\kill.sqf"]; player addAction ["chop"
  6. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    cannot update my server from HFB.

    Hmmmm, I just updated my HFB server with the new It seemed to work but when I try to join I get stuck at the "loading..." screen.
  7. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Script help, hackers?

    I am new to reading scripts and to arma2, dayz in general. I was looking through my scripts logs and came across this and was wondering if I could get analysis from some folks? 09.08.2012.09:46:40: <name> (IP) GUID - #39 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 09.08.2012 09:46:40: <name> (IP) GUID - #58 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 09.08.2012 09:46:40: <name> (IP) GUID- #107 ddons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf" Is this person spawning planes and tanks or hacking?
  8. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    cannot update my server from HFB.

    was the server stopped and did you do a fresh restart?
  9. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    cannot update my server from HFB.

    Did you update the server to from the HFB control panel. If so, did you change the config file and update the server.cfg so it reads -> DayZ version to ""?
  10. US 1021 New DayZ server opened mid July. Looking for some people that play frequently and to group with. Veteran server, no crosshairs, no 3rd person view. We also have a Teamspeak 3 server running. Details below, come in and group up or just to say hi. Teamspeak 3 server: Teamspeak 3 server location: Chicago, Illinois, USA Teamspeak 3 admins: Smokie23 Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Time: UTC -8 IP: Port: 2382 Slots: 40 Admins: Smokie23 Smokie23: 29 years old from Canada. I play often. Never a bandit ;p New player to DayZ. Add me on steam: smokie_23 If you would like to join or group up hop on our the Teamspeak 3 server to say hi or join our DayZ server. Feel free to post a little bit about yourself below. Anyone welcome, see you around!
  11. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Convince me NOT to KoS

    This can be fun but then if they are hunting players they just say they are friendly so you come out of hiding and then shoot you. Either way its all fun and games until someone gets a bullet in the back.
  12. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Convince me NOT to KoS

    Well dayz is a pvp game. Its fun to group up but ultimately in the end all there is to do is either run around until you get into a gunfight or go looking for one. I ran around with a group of 5 of us yesterday for a few hours and it was fun. Didn't see anyone or get into any pvp but was still lots of fun, better then running around solo. Anyone wants to group up today hit me up on teamspeak or add me on steam "smokie_23".
  13. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Looking for a team

    yea sure always looking for more friendly peeps to play with. I got a dayz server and TS3 server. TS3: dayz server:
  14. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Convince me NOT to KoS

    I have reverted to KOS too. Too many times I trust someone and then get shot in the back. The only peeps I'm friendly with are the ones I meet on my Teamspeak server or the ones that have a mic. Most of them won't kill you...the rest can die. You just have to meet some people online and befriend them. Hit me up on my server US 1021 (smokie23 ingame), we can hunt some zombies. Also have a TS server we can use.
  15. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Looking for a friend who knows the basics.

    Lets play. gimme a server to meet you on. Got a TS3 server setup we can use if you want. Im usually on my server: US 1021. No 3rd person, no crosshair.
  16. smokie_23@hotmail.com


    Just hop on a new server when night time comes. Easy. I hate night and don't risk my gear with snipers with NVG. Totally unfair. Can't see sh!t, first time I played this game I thought the game was bugged. They want realism but this night time is far from real.
  17. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Randomly warping to the sky and falling

    Yup this is because of hackers. Next time this happens abort before you hit the ground. Next time you login you will be closer to the ground but still up in the air so login, abort, login, abort and keep doing this and sooner or later you will login and be safe on the ground :)
  18. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    [] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

    Fly sounds also don't go away after body goes away. I always hear fly sounds but no body around to be found. We keep reporting it because its not fixed and still happens. I died on some rocks (bug) and spawned a minute or two away from where I died. My body wasn't there. ( version 1.7.3 -- 95248)
  19. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Glitch: edge of lake/rocks clipping issue?

    This is a horrible issue. I got stuck on the edge of rocks and when I tried to get unstuck (using jump/V button), my legs broke, went into shock and instantly got -4000+ hp and died. My friend had the same thing happen. I brought a bike over to the spot and put it near him. He was able to hop on the bike and peddle away from the rock. Not sure of the exact location but looking at the south coast there was lighthouse to the right and there was a small island with wood houses and a dock right across from it. Close to the railroad.
  20. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Tent under tree bug

    This happens with any items you can interact with. I went to a tree to cut some wood to cook up some steaks. Before I cut it I had to drop 2 items to make room in inventory. I dropped a bloodbag and a pop right under the tree. Afterwards I could not get any interface to pick them back up. Not in 1st person or 3rd person, standing, crouching or laying down. Its probably just because the trees model and/or properties. We need tent "locks" and "lockpicks" :P
  21. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Invincible players

    Its not just hackers. It gamecode and/or server lag too. Happens very often, you shoot someone 5+ times, they run away and you see them fall over 5-10 seconds later. Sometimes they can turn around and shoot you too and you both die. Happens with zombies too, you shoot a zombie 2+ times and they continue to run at you and they even get a few hit on you before they actually die.
  22. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Zombies not moving

    Re-installed updates and restarted server. They seem to be moving now. It seems kind of random but restarts seem to help somewhat.
  23. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    Zombies not moving

    This started to happen on my server last couple of days. The zombies will spawn but then they just stand still and not move, even when you get close or run by. They do the animations of turning the head and moving arms but they stand in one spot. Anyone else getting this bug? or is there a fix?
  24. smokie_23@hotmail.com

    servers down?

    My server is running...at least I can play on it but seems very low traffic. try I could not get six launcher to find any servers. I had to manually connect